Scottish independence

September 2014 by Carol Ann Duffy

Britain’s poet laureate wrote this poem for the Guardian on the morning after the Scottish independence referendum

thistle flower
Carol Ann Duffy’s poem celebrates the affinity between the thistle and the rose. Photograph: Alfio Scisetti/Alamy

September 2014

Tha gaol agam ort.

A thistle can draw blood,
so can a rose,
growing together
where the river flows, shared currency,
across a border it can never know;
where, somewhen, Rabbie Burns might swim,
or pilgrim Keats come walking
out of love for him.
Aye, here’s to you,
cousins, sisters, brothers,
in your brave, bold, brilliant land:
the thistle jags our hearts,
take these roses
from our bloodied hands.
Carol Ann Duffy

[The Gaelic salutation translates as: I love you.]

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