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Tell the LA Department of Water and Power to Lead on Clean Energy!

Every two years, Angelenos have the opportunity to tell the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) what they think of their plan to address the LA's energy and environmental goals over the next 20 years.

We only have until November 5 to flood them with comments demanding they do more to fully transition LA to clean energy.

The LADWP takes your comments seriously. Two years ago the utility made significant changes in the plan that included more clean energy and efficiency due to comments from you, but we need to push them to do more.

The more thoughtful your comments the greater impact they will have. Please edit the message to the LADWP below and include your own story in your own words based on the text already provided. 

Tell LADWP your clean energy vision for Los Angeles and urge them to lead the country in the transition from fossil fuels to clean energy.

  1. Complete the form below with your information.
  2. Personalize your message if you wish.
  3. Click the Send Your Message button to send your message to the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power.
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Fully transition from coal to clean energy!

Dear Los Angeles Department of Water and Power,

I urge the LADWP to move LA beyond coal and invest in clean energy in the upcoming IRP by doing the following:

Ensure the LADWP continues to work toward its goal to transition from Navajo Generating Station by 2015 and replace it with clean energy and urge the same for the Intermountain Power Plant by 2020.

Increase the current targets in energy efficiency from 10 percent to 15 percent by 2020, helping thousands of customers in LA save on their energy bills.

Start investing in local energy generation. The new local clean energy economy is now, and it will be a disservice to consumers to not continue increasing renewables for LADWP beyond 33%.

The LADWP is only focusing on making LA's energy mix 33 percent renewable, as mandated by state law by 2020. The LADWP must do more to take advantage of the vast solar opportunities and increase their goal.

I hope that the LADWP uses the recent rate increase to do the best for their customers. That includes local solar, energy efficiency and community outreach and input.

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State ZIP]

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