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Send a Valentine Message to the LA City Council and
Tell Them to Love Clean Energy and Green Jobs.

For 50 years the LA Department of Water and Power (LADWP) has been in an unhealthy relationship with dirty coal. Nearly 39% of LA's power comes from two coal fired power plants in Utah and Arizona emitting toxic mercury, smog and carbon pollution.

Los Angeles can continue this unhealthy, long distance relationship with dirty, outdated, coal fired power plants and send their checks to Big Coal companies far away or they can strengthen our love affair with the sun and instead invest in solar, wind, and energy efficiency that will support family-wage job for Angelenos.

Keep LA's love affair with the sun strong by sending a Valentine's Day message to the LA City Council urging them to get the LADWP to break up with coal and fall in love with green jobs and clean energy.

  1. Complete the form below with your information.
  2. Personalize your message if you wish.
  3. Click the Send Your Message button to send your message to:

    Members of the LA City Council
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Personalize Your Message:

Dear LA City Councilmember, 

The romance between LA and coal isn't working. It's time to move past this unhealthy, dirty, long distance relationship and fall in love with something near and dear to the heart of Angelenos -- the sun.

Thanks for helping LA break up with coal this Valentine's Day by urging the LADWP to prioritze renewable energy and clean jobs in their upcoming plan for LA's energy future.

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State ZIP]

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