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Ask Governor Snyder to Take the First Step for Offshore Wind


Michigan needs jobs and clean energy, and offshore wind in the Great Lakes offers us a tremendous opportunity to create both, building our clean energy economy.

The first step for offshore wind is creating a regulatory framework. We need a process in place to evaluate projects and take all issues into consideration. With a good regulatory framework we can be assured that we’re developing this great resource responsibly.

Tell Governor Snyder to stop holding Michigan back from a clean energy economy. Ask him to move forward with developing an appropriate offshore wind regulatory framework now!

  1. Complete the form below with your information.
  2. Click the Sign the Petition button at the bottom of the screen to add your name.

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Great Lakes Wind Test Buoy

Above:  The first offshore wind test buoy
waits to be launched into Lake Michigan.

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We Need To Take the First Step on Offshore Wind

Dear Governor Snyder,

Tapping into Michigan's extensive offshore wind resources could create a significant number of jobs, drive economic development in the clean energy sector and help Michigan become more energy independent. However, offshore wind projects must be done in a way that protects existing navigational and recreational uses of the Great Lakes, birds, bats and aquatic ecosystems, and minimizes impact on the aesthetic qualities of the lakes.

Michigan currently lacks a regulatory framework for ensuring that offshore wind projects are carefully considered in an open and transparent manner. Before we say "yes" or "no" to offshore wind projects, Michigan must enact a process which takes all issues into consideration and balances the need for clean energy with the protection of our Great Lakes assets. We urge Governor Snyder to move forward with developing an appropriate offshore wind regulatory framework now!

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