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Create a Clean Energy Economy in Oklahoma

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Pollution from coal-fired power plants in Oklahoma is impacting the health of our communities. Families are suffering from the adverse impacts on air and water quality that causes asthma and other respiratory illnesses as well as increasing individuals' risk for serious, life-threatening conditions like heart disease and cancer.

It is time to begin the transition to clean, homegrown renewable energy solutions. Through a combination of growth in renewable energy and reduction in overall demand through energy efficiency measures, Oklahoma can start moving beyond coal now.

We need your help to show stakeholders that Oklahomans support a clean energy future. Sign the petition to move Oklahoma beyond coal!

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           Beyond Coal

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Our Petition:

It's time for clean energy solutions in Oklahoma

Dear Pete Delaney, OG&E CEO,

Burning coal for electricity has many undesirable impacts on our health, environment and economy. The coal plants in Oklahoma are one of the largest sources of pollution daily impacting our air and water quality.

Too many communities in Oklahoma are facing the adverse impacts of the coal-fired power plants. Whether it is the air pollution from the facilities, which causes asthma, lung and heart disease, or the coal ash waste that contaminates the air and water with cancer causing heavy metals, enough is enough.

Here in Oklahoma we can do better. We have the potential to be a leader in a clean energy economy by using homegrown, natural and renewable resources while creating long term, healthy jobs for Oklahomans. We can reduce the demand for energy by implementing energy efficiency measures statewide, and combined with growth in renewable energy, move our state beyond coal.

We cannot lock ourselves to decades more of dirty, expensive, and outdated energy. It is time to begin the transition from dirty fossil fuels now.

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