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Food & Water Watch provided skilled activists to help us organize and amplify our voices against fracking in Monterey County, California. Their presence brought added credibility and effectiveness in educating and activating local residents to preserve our precious agriculture and water resources. Food & Water Watch understands that on-the-ground grassroots organizing is essential to success.

Luana Conley


The Bakken Boom: East Coast at Risk

Published on October 07, 2014 - Fact Sheets: Fracked oil from the Bakken Shale has put North Dakota at "the center of a revolution," now yielding more oil than Alaska and rising to second place for production behind Texas. But, as production soars, so does the demand for pipelines, trains and barges to transport Bakken crude oil to refineries, increasingly on the East Coast, the most densely populated region of the United States.

The Urgent Case for a Ban on Fracking

Published on September 16, 2014 - Reports: Food & Water Watch calls for a ban on fracking because of the significant risks that accompany it. This report reviews the most recent scientific studies and renews the call for the prohibition of fracking worldwide.

The So-Called Scientific "Consensus": Why the Debate on GMO Safety is Not Over

Published on September 15, 2014 - Issue Briefs: Biotechnology seed companies, aided by advocates from academia and the blogopsphere, are using their substantial resources to broadcast the myth of a "scientific consensus" on the safety of GMOs, asserting that the data is in and the debate is over.

Toxic Workplace: Fracking Hazards on the Job

Published on August 28, 2014 - Issue Briefs: Oil and gas workers are being injured and even killed from accidents, and are being exposed to harmful toxins while on the job.

Incentivizing Fracking: The EPA's "Clean Power Plan"

Published on August 25, 2014 - Issue Briefs: On June 2, 2014, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a new “Clean Power Plan.” The plan aims to cut the nation’s carbon emissions 30 percent below 2005 levels by 2030.

Monsanto's Seed Company Subsidiaries

Published on June 12, 2014 - Fact Sheets: The rise of genetic engineering has not only diminished the ability for farmers to practice their own methods of seed selection, but also turned another sector of agriculture into a business monopolized by a few corporations.

Reading's Water Lease and the Costs of Privatization

Published on May 28, 2014 - Fact Sheets: The Reading City Council is considering opening up the city’s water system to privatization.

Grain Reserves: Common-Sense Farm Policy

Published on May 23, 2014 - Fact Sheets: Farming is a tough job. Farmers deal with unstable weather patterns and have just a few buyers for most crops. This leads to boom-and-bust swings between bumper crops and dire shortages. Income isn't guaranteed, and farmers are required to put a lot on the line to get their crop into the ground.

Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP): Fast Track to a Gusher of Imported Fish

Published on May 14, 2014 - Fact Sheets: The TPP will increase imports of potentially unsafe and minimally inspected fish and seafood products, exposing consumers to more and more dangerous seafood.

Aqua America: A Corporate Profile

Published on May 08, 2014 - Issue Briefs: Aqua America is the second largest publicly traded U.S. water utility company, serving nearly three million people in eight states.

Español: Los Agricultores Ecológicos Pagan El Precio de La Contaminación por Transgénicos

Published on May 06, 2014 - Issue Briefs: Hoy en día sin embargo, la posibilidad de coexistencia de los productos libres de transgénicos (a menudo denominados en EEUU como "de identidad preservada") con los productos transgénicos está en tela de juicio.

EU Version: Organic Farmers Pay the Price for Contamination

Published on May 06, 2014 - Issue Briefs: Until genetically engineered crops (also described as GMOs) were introduced as a production method for U.S. farmers, "coexistence" between different sectors of agriculture was a fairly simple prospect.

Industry Profile: Grocery Manufacturers Association

Published on April 03, 2014 - Fact Sheets: The Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) represents more than 300 of the United States' biggest food and beverage companies.

U.S. Version: The Weakest Link: Problems and Perils of Linking Carbon Markets

Published on March 31, 2014 - Issue Briefs: Proponents of cap and trade increasingly seek to create a global carbon market under the false reasoning that doing so will achieve improved economic efficiency and better emissions reductions than individual markets alone, because carbon dioxide (CO2) is spread globally throughout our atmosphere.

EU Version: The Weakest Link: the Problems and Perils of Linking Carbon Markets

Published on March 31, 2014 - Issue Briefs: Proponents of cap and trade increasingly seek to create a global carbon market under the false reasoning that doing so will achieve improved economic efficiency and better emissions reductions than individual markets alone, because carbon dioxide (CO2) is spread globally throughout our atmosphere.

Organic Farmers Pay the Price for Contamination

Published on February 28, 2014 - Issue Briefs: Until genetically engineered crops (also described as GMOs) were introduced as a production method for U.S. farmers, "coexistence" between different sectors of agriculture was a fairly simple prospect.

The Rapid Industrialization of Frac Sand

Published on February 11, 2014 - Issue Briefs: Frac sand is an essential component in the fracking process; it is combined with large quantities of water and toxic chemicals, which are injected underground at high pressure to crack dense rock and release oil and gas.

Trouble Brewing in the Great Lakes

Published on January 29, 2014 - Issue Briefs: Unconventional oil and gas development poses a significant threat to the North American Great Lakes, the largest cluster of freshwater lakes in the world.

Antibiotic Resistance 101: How Antibiotic Misuse on Factory Farms Can Make You Sick

Published on January 29, 2014 - Reports: Antibiotics are critical tools in human medicine. Medical authorities are warning that these life-saving drugs are losing their effectiveness, and there are few replacement drugs in the pipeline. Bacteria evolve in response to the use of antibiotics both in humans and in animals. Those bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics prosper as antibiotics kill the non-resistant bacteria. Once they emerge, antibiotic-resistant (AR) bacteria can transfer AR traits to other bacteria in animals and the environment. The development of antibiotic resistance is hastened by the use of low doses of antibiotics at industrial farms. The drugs are used routinely, not to treat sick animals, but for growth promotion and disease prevention, a practice known as subtherapeutic use.

Genetically Engineered Food: An Overview

Published on January 21, 2014 - Reports: New technologies — like genetic engineering — create uncertainties and risk that should be carefully evaluated rather than being rapidly pushed onto the market. The existing regulatory framework for GE foods simply does not measure up. The U.S. Department of Agriculture, Environmental Protection Agency and Food and Drug Administration have failed to protect the environment, the food system or public health from GE foods.
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