September 30th, 2014
05:46 PM ET
3 weeks ago

Will Mitt Romney take the plunge again?

Two sources inside Mitt Romney's inner circle tell CNN that while Romney isn't planning a presidential bid, he's listening to a lot of people who want him to get in the race - although he remains skeptical himself.

"A lot of people in Romneyland are rooting for him to get in," says one source. "He's not one of them."

Another source close to Romney puts it this way: "I wouldn't bet on it, but I wouldn't bet either."

The key, these sources say, is that Romney wants to see a Republican candidate who can win the White House. So there's a willingness to wait to see who will run for the GOP nomination. While these sources say that, as of today, it's not likely Romney would run, it can't be ruled out entirely - and if the early seeding were to produce a weak field, Romney might be in a position to be a late entrant.


Filed under: 2016 • Mitt Romney
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