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Key Points

Update: October 22, 2014, 5:29 PM EDT

Here are the relevant details as of this moment on the situation in Ottawa.

One gunman dead and one Canadian soldier dead. No information motives of the shooter. Multiple news outlets named the suspect as Canadian-born Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, born in 1982.

Police investigating multiple shooting sites in the vicinity of the Canadian parliament building. Early reports of a possible shooting near a major shopping mall have since been dismissed by police. What's not clear is whether each of these shooting was the work of a single gunman who is now dead or whether there were multiple gunmen involved in the attack.

This is Amazing

Martha Coakley's loss to Scott Brown, bringing the accidental Senator to national prominence, almost upending Obamacare and in many ways drawing open the curtain on what would become the 2010 blow out is an almost iconic event. This year Massachusetts Dems gave her a shot at Governor. And it looks like she may be on a course to blow this one too. Check out this chart.

Roberts Pulls a Lazarus

A couple weeks ago I had a very hard time believing that Pat Roberts would really manage to lose his Senate seat in since Kansas is an incredibly Republican state and Roberts is a proxy for Republican control of the Senate. On the other hand, it was equally hard to see how an extremely unpopular incumbent whose poll numbers were stuck in the 30s could find another 15 to 20 points lying around after decades in Congress. But he's at least made it an even race now. And in a hardcore GOP state that has to make him the favorite. Our Dylan Scott took a close look at how Roberts and especially a crisis team of top national GOP operatives turned the thing around.

Thoughts on Ben Bradlee's America

I have always thought that Ben Bradlee was the rebel and swashbuckler that All the Presidents Men made Woodward and Bernstein seem to be. As you have no doubt heard, Bradlee died today at the age of 93. The AP obituary captures some of the jauntiness of the man with the first line. "In a charmed life of newspapering, Ben Bradlee seemed always to be in just the right place." As he so often does when he takes to the keyboard, David Remnick, a one-time employee, has an almost perfect evocation of the man in this piece just published at

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