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Limbaugh Suggests Voter Fraud May Be Only Reason Dems Stay in Power


Rush Limbaugh believes that Democrats aren’t as popular as they might seem, so why they keep holding power struck him as confusing. But in reaction to a report about possible voter fraud in Cook County, Limbaugh suspected that––voter fraud––must be a big reason for them continuing to win.

Limbaugh cited polls, as well as less-than-impressive book sales for Hillary Clinton and Andrew Cuomo‘s recent books, to say Democrats aren’t as popular as the media might build them up to be. Of the left in general, Limbaugh said, “They don’t have any audience on their cable news shows. They’re not these rock star, popular, admirable figures that people run around emulating and wish they were like.”

And to him, for some Democrats to be doing well in their elections so far “doesn’t make any sense.” And while he didn’t directly blame voter fraud in every case for Democrats holding power, Limbaugh did say 1) “that kind of stuff is happening all over the country, I’m convinced of it,” and 2) “I’m really starting to be curious about the degree, the amount of voter fraud taking place out there.”

Listen to the audio below, via The Rush Limbaugh Show:

[image via screengrab]

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