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  Ballot Access News is edited and published by Richard Winger, the nation's leading expert on ballot access legal issues.


Green Party Nominee for U.S. House in Tennessee Dies

Published on October 30, 2014,

On October 30, Norris Dryer, Green Party nominee for U.S. House, 2nd district, in Knoxville, Tennessee, died. See this obituary.

As reported earlier, the Libertarian Party nominee for U.S. Senate in Iowa, Douglas Butzier, also died this month.


Salem, Oregon’s Daily Newspaper Recommends Voting “No” on Top-Two Measure

Published on October 30, 2014,

The Statesman-Journal, Salem’s daily newspaper, here recommends that voters defeat Measure 90, the top-two proposal.


Substantial Majority of Small Business Owners Favor a Multi-Party System for the U.S.

Published on October 30, 2014,

On October 30, a poll of small business owners was released, concerning election reform. See the report here. The poll shows that 78% prefer a multi-party system for the U.S. It also shows that 85% favor public funding for election campaigns, and 83% favor non-partisan commissions for drawing U.S. House and legislative district boundaries.

The respondents were: 48% Republican, 32% Democratic, 11% independent, 9% other or did not answer that question. Thanks to Rob Richie for the link.


South Carolina Election Commission Cancels Election for State House, District 114, and will Set a Special Election Instead

Published on October 30, 2014,

On October 30, the South Carolina Election Commission voted to cancel the election for State House, district 114 in Charleston, and instead hold a special election for that seat later. See this story. The Democratic nominee plans to sue to overturn this decision. Thanks to Rick Hasen for the link.


Kari Chisholm Column on How Republicans Might Have Been Disenfranchised in 2010 Gubernatorial Race if Top-Two Had Existed Then

Published on October 30, 2014,

Kari Chisholm, founder of BlueOregon, a leading politics blog in Oregon, has this column on how, if Oregon had had a top-two system in 2010, the general election might easily have had no one on the ballot for Governor except for two Democrats.


Two Billionaires Contribute Yet Another $1,280,000 to “Yes” Campaign for Top-Two in Oregon

Published on October 29, 2014,

On October 28, John Arnold contributed yet another $1,000,000 to the campaign to pass the top-two initiative in Oregon, and former New York city Mayor Michael Bloomberg contributed another $280,000. This means the two of them, together, have contributed $4,680,000. Arnold lives in Texas and of course, Bloomberg lives in New York.