Aqua America: A Corporate Profile | Food & Water Watch
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I long ago stopped believing that most corporations and politicians had the good of the public in mind. We need independent groups like Food & Water Watch to raise awareness and advocate for ethical, environmentally positive laws.
Elise Zuidema
May 8th, 2014

Aqua America: A Corporate Profile



Aqua America is the second largest publicly traded U.S. water utility company, serving nearly three million people in eight states. For more than 100 years, Aqua America operated almost exclusively in the suburbs of Philadelphia, where it was founded in 1886. In 1968, a holding company was formed, and in the early 1990s the company began an aggressive growth-by-acquisition strategy. In 2004, the parent corporation, still based in Bryn Mawr, Pa., changed its name from Philadelphia Suburban Corp. to Aqua America to announce its arrival on the national stage. To date, the company’s operations remain concentrated in Pennsylvania, with about half of its customers and more than half of its revenues coming from the state.