Narco Confidential

Drugs gangs, guns, badges, and other matters of federal law and disorder in Texas.

Former HPD officer joins ranks of convicted felons


An ex-Houston police officer has joined the ranks of former law enforcement authorities  from the Houston area who are convicted felons.

Marcos Carrion  admitted in federal court to his crimes in a cocaine trafficking conspiracy.

He had been accused by federal authorities of using his position as a police officer to escort loads of drugs being moved through the area. He provided security for the illicit cargo.

Carrion was snared in an undercover trap set by the Drug Enforcement Administration. See his plea agreement below. This is the press release from the government.

Carrion now joins the ranks of former police officers from the Houston area who are convicted felons. Exactly how many officers have been convicted of drug trafficking, corruption and related crimes over the years is  unclear. Federal authorities based in Houston as well as the Department of Justice said they don’t track such convictions.

The above gallery shows photos of some recent instances, from Abraham Joseph, who is serving life for rape and kidnapping while on the job, to Michael Miceli who was a passenger in a cruiser used to escort a load of drugs and recently got probation.

Former Houston Police Officer Marcos Carrion Plea Agreement

Dane Schiller

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