Let’s have some fun, and win some money, finding waste in Texas government!

dollar signI don’t think that people have enough fun in life. Seriously, be jolly in everything you do! The no fun syndrome is really bad in politics where everyone seems so angry all the time. Here is an opportunity for you to turn your anger into jolly and win some money at the same time! From the InBox:

Texas Public Policy Action Announces Contest to Expose Government Waste

Competition allows public to highlight examples of egregious government waste in Texas

AUSTIN – Texas Public Policy Action today announced the Texas Government Waste Contest, an open competition to allow members of the public to identify and describe examples of egregious and frivolous government waste at all levels of government in Texas.  The contest runs from September 3 to October 24, 2014, with winners announced by November 14, 2014.

“Even in Texas there is an incredible amount of wasteful spending, political favoritism, and crony capitalism.  This contest will help to expose waste and cronyism,” said TPPA Executive Director Nathanael Ferguson. “By creating a compendium of government waste we will arm taxpayers with the information they need to focus elected officials on solving problems and working to affect change.”

Contestants will submit stories of a wasteful spending item or program in either a written essay or in an original creative video.  Winners in each of the two categories will be awarded cash prizes, $4,000 for first place, $2,000 for second place, and $1,000 for third place. All entries will be included in the Compendium of Texas Government Waste, copies of which will be furnished to every legislative office in advance of the 84th Legislative Session.

Entries can be submitted here: www.TexWaste.com

“Our aim is to inform, engage, and empower citizens to help promote pro-growth policies of limited government and fiscal restraint,” said Ferguson.

All entries must be limited to wasteful spending in Texas state or local government and will be vetted for accuracy.  Citations must be included with submissions. The contest will be judged by a panel of well-respected policy experts representing multiple think tanks and activist groups in Texas, including Americans for Prosperity Policy and Legislative Director Peggy Venable, True the Vote Founder and President Catherine Engelbrecht, and Grassroots America Executive Director JoAnn Fleming.

Nathanael Ferguson is Executive Director of Texas Public Policy Action.

Texas Public Policy Action is a non-profit 501c4 organization based in Austin.

Primary website: www.TexasAction.com

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/TexasPublicPolicyAction

Twitter feed: https://twitter.com/TPPAction

How cool is that? Make a video or write an essay about waste in Texas government and have a chance to win serious money!

The coolest thing about the contest is that true grassroots conservatives will be judging the entries. This is going to be awesome.

So…I wonder what the most egregious example of waste in Texas government is going to be? Dang, there are so many opportunities and so many really creative conservatives out there, I don’t think I have a chance! We’ll see….. ;-)

Show me the money!!




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