The Sierra Club
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Together We Are #GoingClean


Clean energy is already powering our homes and our economy, and investment in solar and wind is driving a new era of true American prosperity. Iowa now gets 25% of it's energy from wind. California will get at least a third of its electricity from renewables by the end of the decade. And nationwide, solar and wind now generate enough energy to power nearly 20 million American homes. The price of clean energy has dropped so much that in many places it's already cheaper than coal.

But our work is far from done. We have a vision of a world powered by clean energy, where dirty and dangerous fossil fuels are a thing of the past and everyone can enjoy cleaner air and water thanks to renewable energy resources. Today, the Sierra Club is going all-in on clean energy. We are bringing our passion to create a clean energy revolution where all people have access to sustainable energy, including local solar, energy storage, and sustainably sited large-sale renewable energy projects. Join us.


Clean Energy News Feed

See the latest in clean energy news from the Sierra Club.


The cleanest way to meet our electricity needs is by getting the most out of the energy we already use and reducing energy waste.


Solar energy is the cleanest, most abundant renewable energy source available today.


Wind energy is the fastest-growing source of power on the planet. With our tremendous wind resources, the United States can become a world leader in wind energy.


A renewable source of energy that is literally right under our feet.

Getting Clean Energy Right. From the Start.

Ensuring that the large clean energy projects we need are built in the best possible way.

My Generation

California is the largest solar market in the nation. What happens with clean energy here is a bellwether for the rest of the nation. And right now, the big utilities are peddling their latest attack on solar panel initiatives in the state legislature.