The Sierra Club
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Get Involved!

Send your letter today, and say "Welcome Region 4 Administrator Heather McTeer Toney!"

With no federal safeguards on coal ash, it's vital that the EPA finish its work on this rule by the end of the year.

Tell the Obama Administration to make our health a priority and end mountaintop-removal coal mining.

With mega-projects such as Chuitna coal mine, Pebble mine, and Susitna dam on the table, our governor wants to take us out of this decision-making process. Tell the DNR to stop promoting the Silencing Alaskans Act!

Send the BLM a message to protect the sage grouse and stop further destruction of their habitat in Southern Utah.

Coal-fired power plants produce more toxic waste than any other industry in the United States, including the chemical, plastic, and paint manufacturing industries. Where do you think it all goes?

Tell the EPA Region 4 to protect Appalachia's water from mountaintop removal mining pollution!

Tell Xcel Energy and the PUC: We won't stand for attacks on rooftop solar!

Tell Governor Hickenlooper to sign SB-252 into law today and grow Colorado's clean, renewable energy!

Duke Energy is now the largest utility in the country. They talk a good game, but to walk the walk they need to do something about their coal plant in Asheville. Tell CEO Jim Rogers they can do better!

Communities in Oklahoma are suffering the adverse impacts on air and water quality due to pollution from coal-fired power plants. It is time to begin the transition to clean, homegrown renewable energy solutions. Sign the petition to move OK beyond coal!

Every two years the LA Department of Water and Power takes pubilc input on their plans to provide LA with electricity and power. Send them a comment and tell them to lead the nation in the transititon from coal to clean energy!

Send the LA City Council a Valentine's card and tell them fall in love with clean energy and green jobs and break up with coal once and for all.

Great Lakes Offshore wind offers a tremendous opportunity to build our clean energy economy. The first step is creating a regulatory framework so Michigan can evaluate offshore wind projects. Sign the petition to tell Gov. Snyder to take the first step!

Tell the Obama Administration to make our health a priority and end mountaintop removal coal mining.

Email correspondence uncovered by the KC Star show that Sunflower Electric had undue influence over their permit approval for a new coal plant. Write EPA and ask them to object to the permit KDHE unfairly issued to Sunflower.

Send a message to Tom Farrell, CEO of Dominion Energy and urge him to invest in clean energy and energy efficiency and move beyond coal.

Send a message to Tom Farrell, CEO of Dominion Energy and urge him to invest in clean energy and energy efficiency and move beyond coal.

Let the State Department know you want clean energy that creates jobs in the United States instead of permitting a pipeline to pollution in your state.