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The National Center for Biotechnology Information advances science and health by providing access to biomedical and genomic information.

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NCBI Announcements

  • GenBank release 204.0 is now available via FTP

    Oct 22, 2014

    Release 204.0 (10/20/2014) has 178,322,253 non-WGS, non-CON records containing 181,563,676,918 base pairs of sequence data. In addition, there are 196,049,974 WGS records containing 805,549,167,708 base pairs of sequence data.

  • dbSNP human Build 142 released

    Oct 17, 2014

    dbSNP human Build 142, based on the GRCh38 and GRCh37.p13 assemblies, is now available on the integrated NCBI Entrez system and through FTP. Build 142 provides 112 million Reference SNP (RS) clusters, including 51 million new RS created from 1000 Genomes Phase III variants as well as from other large sequencing projects. To see complete build statistics, visit the dbSNP summary page. For more information on Build 142, please see this dbSNP listserv announcement.

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS) Marketplace provides the easiest way to start an NCBI BLAST instance

    Oct 16, 2014

    BLAST instances can now be started from the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Marketplace. Using the Marketplace is the easiest way to start a BLAST instance at AWS. In addition, users who subscribe to the BLAST package will be notified when it is updated.

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