Yes, Please Vote For A 'Reagan Country'
A former speechwriter for Pres. Reagan and Bush hatched his own plan to have the South secede from the Union to become a Traditional Values country known as "Reagan." Read more...
Fox News Says Obama's Rockstar Days Over, Public Says Otherwise
Charles Krauthammer remembers the "Denver Worship Session" in 2008, compares midterms with presidential elections. Read more...
Zombie Michelle Malkin Rises Again With New Movie, Voter Fraud Claims
After months of silence, Michelle Malkin reappeared on Fox News tonight, just as nasty and hateful as ever. Beware, Colorado. Read more...
Police Release Audio From Palin Family Drunken Brawl
The Anchorage Police Department has released new audio of the aftermath of the Palin family drunken brawl from earlier this month. Read more...
Dana Loesch Calls Gun Control The Real 'War On Women'
Gun enthusiast Dana Loesch claims the War on Women is being waged by those gun-grabbing heathens, the Democrats. Read more...

NRA: Guns Aren't Scary Because They Are Just Like Vacuum Cleaners
The NRA News says guns are no more intimidating than a vacuum cleaners and lawn mowers. Read more...
Michael Savage Is Sick And Tired Of Veterans With PTSD Crying Like Babies
Conservative radio host Michael Savage called veterans with PTSD a bunch of whiny, crybabies who are weak and only live for a government handout. Read more...
Bill O'Reilly: Al Sharpton Is The Real Problem In Ferguson. Uh Huh!
The Browns' attorney, Benjamin Crump, emphasizes the need for a real trial, not the sham of a grand jury. Bill-O asserts it's Al Sharpton's fault for the media circus. Read more...
CNN Brings On ‘Heckuva Job Brownie’ To Discuss Right Wing's Latest Version Of 'Obama's Katrina'
Who better for CNN to bring on to criticize the Obama administration's response to Ebola than Michael ‘Heckuva Job Brownie’ Brown? Read more...
Crazy Laura Ingraham Believes 'The Left' Wants Americans To Die From Ebola To Pay Off A Debt To Africa
Laura Ingraham rises high in the Wingnut Hall of Fame as she proclaims "left wingers" would sacrifice American lives to Ebola to pay off some weird African guilt trip we have. Read more...
Bill O'Reilly Attacks President Obama As An Ideologue For Not Enacting Ill-Advised Travel Ban
Bill O'Reilly takes his turn working refs and fearmongering over Ebola in order to help Republicans win the midterm elections. Read more...
Irrelevant Tina Brown Claims Women Feel Unsafe With Obama
The woman who ran Newsweek into the ground insinuates the 'War-on-Women-GOP' is better equipped to protect women. Read more...
Press Blames Ebola On Obama, Fails To Point Fingers At For-Profit Hospital
For all of the scaremongering about Ebola, it's sure convenient to see media overlook the profit motives at work in the cases out of Texas. Read more...
John Oliver Finds A Solution For The Supreme Court's Camera Ban
John Oliver and his staff have come up with a way to make those extremely boring Supreme Court reenactments watchable. Read more...
Obama Speaks To Packed Rally With Overflow Crowd, Reuters Turns It Against Him
The overflow crowd got a personal appearance from the President, but Reuters still found a way to make it into a negative. Read more...