Zombie Michelle Malkin Rises Again With New Movie, Voter Fraud Claims

After months of silence, Michelle Malkin reappeared on Fox News tonight, just as nasty and hateful as ever. Beware, Colorado.

She's baaaaaack and just in time for midterms, too! After months of blessed silence from her particular brand of harpy-ism, Malkin has returned with a new film about how four liberal billionaires have "taken over" Colorado.

The trailer is about all sane people should be able to handle. They shoveled in as many wingnuts as possible to talk about guns, gays, God, and of course, voter fraud. That was part of the focus of her appearance with Megyn Kelly on Tuesday night, because we have an election coming up and what would an election be without Fox angst over brown people voting?

Over the course of a decade, a once-red state has become more Democratic – and a new film, hosted by Michelle Malkin, tells the story of how that happened. “Rocky Mountain Heist,” produced by Citizens United, is a documentary which reveals how a wealthy liberal quartet took over the state.

Malkin and Citizens United President David Bossie were on “The Kelly File” tonight to discuss the film.

Malkin said that Citizens United and Bossie “have been absolute warriors in this fight” to inform the public. She said it was even a battle to get the film out, calling it a victory for conservative political speech.

“What happened here in Colorado can happen in the rest of the country,” she warned, explaining that the “Gang of Four” coordinated and used “shady nonprofits” to plot to take over the state Legislature.

“The hypocrisy reeks, it smokes, it burns," she said.

She also blasted the new voting law “voter fraud Frankenstein.”

Here's the trailer, so you can see how far over the top it goes. It's Tancredo-worthy.

If you're Malkin, everyone in Colorado is just getting high and living on the dole, I guess. Here's more on the film:

What was the result of the “Rocky Mountain Heist,” according to Citizen United?

“Now, homelessness is at an all-time high, marijuana is smoked in once family-friendly parks, gun control is rampant and the state’s energy industry is under constant assault,” the group said in announcing the trailer Wednesday. “Unfortunately, the State of Colorado is now a perfect example of President Obama’s promise to ‘fundamentally transform America.’”

The release was held up while Citizens United went to court in Colorado to fight the requirement that they disclose the financial backers to the film. Because of course, no one would be the slightest bit interested in who paid for this fine piece of election-year scare-mongering bullshit.

Here's what has Malkin's panties in a twist about the voting laws in Colorado:

About 16 months ago, the Democratic governor signed an election law which allows residents to print ballots from their home computers, then turn them over to collectors. Critics say this could lead to voter fraud, and they allege it was pushed through the state Legislature to keep Democrats in power.

Oh noes! Let all the people vote and Democrats keep power! How terrible!

Voter fraud is not an issue. Lying and misleading people about the state's politics might be, but letting people print their ballot and mail it in is not.

I expect we shall hear more harpy songs in the days to come.

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