Aaron's Rental Firm To Pay $24.8M To Settle Claims They Spied On Customers Via Webcams
Do you ever get the feeling that you're being watched? Read more...
Why You Shouldn't Be "Optimistic" About Corporate "Tax Reform"
Why is it that any time you hear the word “reform” coming out of Washington it always ends badly for about 99 percent of us? Here are some actual reforms that are need for corporate tax reform. Read more...
JP Morgan Chase Hack Shows Bank Data Isn't All That Secure, After All
Banks--as opposed to recent hacking targets Home Depot and Target--are supposed to be heavily fortified. Not so much! Read more...
Who Gets Rich Harvesting Burger King And The American Economy?
Burger King is still preparing to abandon the U.S. as its home country. How does a burger company get flipped like this and who gets rich when it happens? Read more...
Corporate Courts -- A Big Red Flag On "Trade" Agreements
Our "NAFTA-style" trade agreements now are protecting giant corporations from the efforts of citizens in democracies to make their lives better. Read more...

Urban Outfitters Selling Bloodstained Kent State Sweatshirt
Whether real or manufactured, the end result is just sick. Read more...
Why Is SEC Sitting On Corporate Transparency Rules?
Are We the People the boss of the corporations, or are the corporations the boss of We the People? Read more...
Grandmom's Clothes For Kids With Down Syndrome Take Off On Kickstarter
The pledged money is unprecedented and offers a much-needed boost for the small business dedicated to providing clothes that fit and look great for children with Downs Syndrome. Read more...
In Time Of Economic Inequality,Walmart Once Again Proves They're Tone Deaf
Seriously, Walmart? Making your poverty-wage employees buy new shirts for a new dress code? Read more...
Much Bigger BP Fine Possible, After Judge Finds Them 'Grossly Negligent' In Gulf Explosion
A federal judge found for the first time that BP was indeed the primary culprit and that only it had acted with “conscious disregard of known risks.” Read more...
Ousted New England Supermarket CEO Returns Following Protests By Employees
Lawrence O'Donnell with the unusual story of a New England supermarket chain and the employees who risked everything to save the job of their CEO. Read more...
A Simple Plan To Balance Trade And Bring Back All Those Jobs
Trade is supposed to be balanced. Instead we have been running continuing trade deficits since the late 1970s. A former assistant Commerce secretary has offered a new plan for balancing trade. Read more...
Are American Corporations Really Less Competitive Because Of Taxes?
Corporate tax rates used to top out at 52.8 percent. They are now 35 percent. Now they want rates lowered even more. But are corporate tax rates really "uncompetitive?" Read more...
Walmart Plunges The Knife Deeper, Targets Small Businesses With New 'Express Stores'
Just what every neighborhood needs: Another low-wage employer!
Another Comcast Customer Who Was Screwed Out Of A Free Service Call -- Except She Had A Gun
So it looks like Comcast is doing whatever it can get away with! Read more...