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Fall 2014 Calendar of events

Wednesday, September 17 UT Arlington Library Focus on Faculty
12-1:30 p.m.
Central Library
Sixth Floor Parlor

Guest speaker will be Samarendra Mohanty, assistant professor of physics and head of the UTA Biophysics and Physiology Lab. His lecture is titled “Light-controlled construction, control, and understanding of neuronal circuits”.

Friday, October 3 College of Science Picnic
11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Library Mall

Come by for hamburgers, hot dogs and other goodies and support the College of Science!

Wednesday, October 29 Last day to drop classes; submit requests to advisors prior to 4 p.m.
Monday, November 3-Friday, November 7 Science Week 2014

The College of Science spotlights the achievements of its alumni, students and faculty with a week of special events.

Monday November 3 Registration begins for Spring 2015 semester
Thursday-Friday, Nov 27-28 Thanksgiving holidays
Wednesday, December 3 Last day of classes for Fall 2014 semester

December 6, 8-12 Final exams
Friday, December 12 College of Science Fall 2014 Commencement
3 p.m. College Park Center

The College of Science will celebrate its newest group of graduates with the Fall 2014 graduation ceremony.

Complete information coming soon.

College of Science Seminar/Colloquia Schedule Fall 2014

All seminars are at 4 p.m. on Thursdays in Life Science Building, Room 118 except seminar on October 2.

September 25
Speaker:  John W.  Fondon, III, Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, UT Arlington
Title: Dynamic genomes: uncovering the influence of mutation spectra on the adaptive processes in vertebrates
Host: Thomas Chrzanowski

October 2
Speaker: Amelia Shevenell, Assistant Professor, University of South Florida, Marine Science
Title: The Southern Ocean Reveals its Climate Secrets: Paleotemperatures from Antarctic Margin Marine Sediments
Host: Laura Mydlarz
*Location: GS 100 (Geoscience Building)

October 9
Speaker: Randal Halfmann, Sara and Frank McKnight Fellow, UT Southwestern, Biochemistry
Title:  TBA

October 9
Speaker: Randal Halfmann, Sara and Frank McKnight Fellow, UT Southwestern, Biochemistry
Title:  TBA
Host: Trey Fondon

October 16
Speaker: Joe Barrera, SIRT Director, UT Arlington
Title: Innovation through the Shimadzu Institute: Quantification of Trace Estrogens in Serum by Bulk Derivatization and Direct Cation Exchange Trap-and-Elute LC/MS/MS
Host: Jeff Demuth

November 6, 2014
Speaker: Thomas DeWitt, Associate Professor, Texas A&M, Department of Wildlife & Fisheries Sciences and Department of Plant Pathology &Microbiology
Title: Predators drive replicated phenotypic evolution in prey fishes
Host: Matt Walsh

November 13
Speaker: Aaron Bauer, Professor and Gerald M. Lemole Endowed Chair in Integrative Biology, Villanova University
Title: TBA
Host: Phi Sigma Daren Card

November 20
Speaker: Adam Leaché, Assistant Professor, University of Washington, Biology
Title: TBA
Host: Matthew Fujita

Chemistry and Biochemistry
All seminars are at 3 p.m. on Fridays in W. A. Baker Chemistry Research Building, Room 114. Refreshments will be served before each seminar at 2:45 p.m. in CRB Room 112.

September 5 – Professor Timothy S. Snowden, University of Alabama, Title: “New Reactions and Synthesis Strategies Involving Ephemeral gem-Dichloroepoxide Intermediates”

September 12 – Professor Elizabeth Nolan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Title: "Transition Metals and the Host-Pathogen Interaction"

September 19 – Professor Eamonn F. Healy, St. Edward’s University, Title: "A Role for Desolvation in Protein Aggregation and Oligomeric Assembly"

September 26 – Professor Jung-Mo Ahn, UT Dallas, Title: "Structure-Based Design of Small Molecule Inhibitors for Protein-Protein Interactions in Biomedical Research"

October 3 – UTA Chemistry & Biochemistry Society Poster Contest

October 10 – Professor Onofrio Annunziata, Texas Christian University, Title: "Migration of Macromolecules Induced by Salt-Concentration Gradients in Water"

October 17 – Professor Christopher Hobbs, Angelo State University, Title: "Polypropylene Based Oligomers as Synthetic Scaffolds Toward Supported Catalysts”

October 24 – Professor Lingjun Li, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Title: "Expanding the Chemical Toolbox to Probe Neuronal Signaling"

October 31 – Professor YiQiang (Eric) Cheng, University of North Texas Health Science Center, Title: “Genomics-Guided Discovery of Potent Anticancer Natural Products from Exotic Bacterial Species”

November 7 – Professor Yinsheng Wang, University of California, Riverside, Title: “Quantitative Proteomics for research in Cancer Biology and Environmental Toxicology”

November 14 – Professor Yaron Paz, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Title: "Preferential Photocatalytic Degradation of Contaminants"

November 21 – Professor Boniface Fokwa, Aachen University, Germany, Title: "Understanding and Designing New Magnetic Materials”

November 28 – No seminar; Thanksgiving holiday

Earth & Environmental Science
All sessions are at 4 p.m. on Thursdays in Geoscience Building Room 100.

September 18 – Jim Davidson, Netherland, Sewell and Associates, Inc. (NSAI) in Dallas, Title: “The False Promise of High-End Technology in Thin Bed Formation Analysis”

September 25 – Bob Finkleman, UT Dallas, Title: “Medical Geology”

October 2 – Amelia Shevenell, University of South Florida/University College, London, Title: TBA

October 9 – Dilhan Ilk, DeGolyer and MacNaughton, Title: TBA

October 16 – Shaffiq A. Jaffer, TOTAL Corporate scientific representative in the U.S., Title: TBA

October 23 – TBA

October 30 – Peter Eichhubl, Bureau of Economic Geology, Title: TBA

November 6 – TBA

November 13 – Julia Gale, Bureau of Economic Geology, Title: TBA

November 20 – Tim Shanahan, UT Austin, Title: TBA

Colloquia are at 4 p.m. on Wednesdays in Science Hall Room 101 unless otherwise noted. Light refreshments are served 30 minutes prior to each talk in the Physics library.

September 3 – Wei Chen, Kaushik De, Ping Liu, Ramon Lopez, Zdzislaw Musielak, and Mingwu Jin, UT Arlington, Title: “Physics Faculty Research Expo #2”

September 10 – Qiming Zhang, Jaehoon Yu, Andrew White, Alex Weiss, Samarendra Mohanty, Ali Koymen, and Chris Jackson, UT Arlington, Title: “Physics Faculty Research Expo #2”

September 16 – (4 p.m. Tuesday, SH 103) Haleh Hadavand, UT Arlington, Title: “Properties of the Higgs like Particle at 125 GeV and Beyond Standard Model Higgs Using the ATLAS Experiment”

September 17 – Manfred Cuntz, UT Arlington, Title: “UV Habitability around Main-Sequence Stars”

September 24 – TBA


Thursday, October 2 – Rodney Lowman, American Psychological Association, Title: TBA

Friday, October 24 – David Self, UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, Title: TBA

Friday, November 2 – Christa McIntyre Rodriguez, UT Dallas, Title: TBA

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Planetarium Genomics Dinosaur Green Frog
The Planetarium at UT Arlington Genomics Core Facility Science Education & Career Center Amphibian & Reptile Diversity Research
The University of Texas at Arlington  |  College of Science
Dean’s Office: Room 206, Life Science Building, 501 S. Nedderman Drive
Mailing Address:  P.O. Box 19047 Arlington, TX 76019 Phone: 817-272-3491 Fax: 817-272-3511
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