The Emancipation Proclamation Is Meaningless With U.S. Gun Violence
Over 40% of gun homicide victimization in the United States emanates from only 13% of its population – our African-American community. Read more...
'Flood Wall Street' Activists Are Shutting It Down Right Now
Click to watch the livestream. If you can't be there, you can donate to the bail fund. Read more...
As Predicted, American Patriots 'Border Protests' Are A Big, Fat Nothing
Organizers tried to save face by claiming they canceled the event due to "threats." Read more...
The People's Climate Change March Your Corporate Media Forgot
Democracy Now covered the Climate March live yesterday in NYC. But who listens to them, other than a bunch of dirty hippies? Read more...
Addiopizzo: The Grassroots Campaign Making Life Hell For The Sicilian Mafia
Why can't we do this here with our corporate criminals? Read more...

'Largest Climate March In History' This Sunday In NYC
DA Drops Charges Against Climate Activists Because Climate Change Really IS Dangerous
Ward and O’Hara were going to use the defense of protecting others to justify their blocking the 40,000-ton coal delivery to the Brayton Point plant in Somerset in May 2013. Read more...
Foggy Memories Obscure Forebears Of Ferguson Unrest
When looking at the aggressive, almost military police response to unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, a big dose of collective amnesia makes it easy to forget that the United States has been here before. And is going be there again. Read more...
Hurt By 'Blackfish' Documentary, SeaWorld Announces Changes To Orca Pens
SeaWorld plans to spend $10 million to upgrade new pens. Read more...
Watch: Crazed Racist In Ferguson Spews White Rage At Protesters (Updated)
Yes, there are racists in Ferguson.
ALEC Free Markets Myth Debunked, But ALEC Won't Comment
Asked on camera to explain how ALEC's work against clean energy incentives while ignoring fossil fuel subsidies fits its "free markets" mission, ALEC had "no comment" for Greenpeace. Read more...
Ferguson Police Officers Slam Pregnant Woman To Ground
This video, shot Monday evening, shows police rounding up an unarmed pregnant woman and slamming her down on the ground for no apparent reason. Read more...
Peaceful Protest In Ferguson Turns Violent
After a full day of peaceful protests, violence broke out Sunday night during demonstrations over the killing of Mike Brown. Read more...
Anonymous To Ferguson Police: Expect Us
Anonymous published a list of demands in response to the police shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. Read more...
Watch: A Professor's Amazing Idea On Dealing With Open Carry Activists
This one isn't quite as sensational as the topless women, but it has merit too. Read more...