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23 October 2014

Argentinian Motorcylists Fight Against Discriminatory Regulations

New security measures imposed on Argentinian motorcyclists have generated an unexpectedly strong protest movement.

22 October 2014

Russia's Justice Ministry Targets Human Rights Group ‘Memorial’

RuNet Echo

Russia hasn't elaborated its grievances against the human rights group, but Memorial says the main issue is that officials want it to adopt a more centralized organizational structure.

Leaked Diplomatic Cables Show EU Strong-Armed Ecuador on Free Trade Agreement

The leaking of diplomatic cables between representatives of Ecuador and the EU reveals pressure from European negotiators and division among Ecuadorians regarding the FTA.

Iran's Conservative Media See a Reformist Plot in Coverage of Acid Attacks Against Women

Kayhan has accused reformist newspapers of publishing news related to the attacks in order to destroy the image of the "believers" and "supporters" of the Islamic regime.

21 October 2014

Baby Doc's Death Fails to Bring Closure for Haitians

Dictators Jean-Claude and Francois Duvalier never paid for their crimes while alive; indeed, the fact that justice was not served is still a thorn in the side of many Haitians.

Kyrgyzstan's Historical Matriarch Makes a Bid for an Oscar

The seven figure budget of Kurmanjan Datka: Queen of the Mountains may not raise eyebrows in Hollywood, but in Kyrgyzstan the film has divided movie-goers and spurred an Oscar charge.

GV Face: In Conversation with the Activist Bahrain Doesn't Want Us Talking To

GV Face

Bahrain is in the third year of its crackdown on activists. International media reports the protests as a Shia-led revolution against a Sunni regime, but activists say this is simplistic.

A Just Sentence? Too Lenient? Oscar Pistorius Given 5 Years in Prison

The South African athlete's culpable murder conviction for the death of Reeva Steenkamp came on the heels of a 77-year sentence handed down to a rhino poacher in July.

Pacific Islanders Block Coal Ships at Australian Port to Protest Climate Change

Using hand carved canoes, the Pacific climate warriors, along with dozens of Australians in kayaks, were able to prevent 10 scheduled ships from passing through the Newcastle coal port.

Cyber Attack Downs Mozambique's @Verdade News Site on Election Day

Global Voices Advocacy

The attack began on the eve of the election and managed to bring down the site just as polls closed and votes were being counted.

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