We help great students succeed

American Honors is a groundbreaking new honors program offered at Navarro College. While academic rigor is the hallmark of every honors program, we provide a level of support and community you won’t find anywhere else. Our program graduates emerge as independent thinkers and effective leaders, stepping into successful careers or continuing on to top-tier four-year colleges and universities across the country.

4 years. 2 degrees. College costs reduced.

Maybe you can’t afford the tuition at a four-year college right now. Or your current situation limits your options. If you’re like many of our students, you might not think you’re ready to take the plunge. That doesn’t mean a four-year degree is beyond your reach. If your dream is to earn a bachelor’s degree at a college in Texas, consider that a starting point. We want you to take a leap of faith. To challenge yourself to take a risk.

You may decide a local college is the right choice. But we’ll encourage you to consider broadening your prospects. American Honors students have been accepted at Stanford, Cornell, Michigan and dozens of other top schools. Think that’s aiming too high? At first, they thought so, too.

How do transfers work

Your honors advisor is invested in your success

If you’re like many of our students, you’ll be astonished at the level of personalized support our advisors provide.

Honors advisors

A supportive learning community

Small learning cohorts can be transformative. There’s something liberating about being among peers who are as passionate about learning as you are. In a supportive environment, you feel free to speak your mind, share your views and explore who you are. At the same time, you’ll be challenged to step out of your comfort zone, to consider perspectives that differ from your own – and to engage in dialogue and debate.

Professors who are true educators

To draw out, bring forth, foster: The Latin root of education informs the role our faculty play as educators. Navarro College professors will guide you through your studies – to help you develop your innate strengths and realize your potential. 

American Honors course design experts collaborate with Navarro College faculty to develop an intensive honors curriculum. As a student, you’ll be immersed in a learning environment that integrates leading-edge educational tools and methods with nationally recognized honors objectives.

Classes promote thoughtful interaction

Honors classes are capped at 25 students and are taught in a hybrid format, which combines online synchronous classes - a learning environment in which everyone takes part at the same time - with group meetings. Since instructors don't spend class time lecturing, you’ll spend that time going deeper into the content and receiving more personalized instruction. You’ll experience the best of both worlds, pairing active, face-to-face problem solving with self-directed learning.

Coursework makes you think

Rote learning won’t help you succeed at a four-year college – or in any of life’s challenges. Through in-depth preparation and vigorous class discussions, you’ll develop your capacity for sophisticated thought – to analyze the broad implications and subtle nuances of complicated issues, to develop your own conclusions and to formulate creative solutions.

As an American Honors student, you’ll progress through an integrated sequence of classes focusing nationally recognized honors objectives in English, math, science, and the social sciences:

  • Critical Thinking: Evaluating and addressing different points of view
  • Analysis and Synthesis of a Broad Range of Materials: Exploring different source materials to draw critical hypotheses
  • Hypothesis Development and Research Methods: Using frameworks from different disciplines to produce innovative conclusions
  • Effective Communication Skills: Developing written and oral communication, focusing on style and idea presentation

Quad: An innovative social learning platform 

Quad, an innovative social learning platform, will be the hub of your American Honors experience. It’s where you’ll collaborate, in real time, with your professors, honors advisor and peers. It integrates your entire academic life, providing easy access to tools, course materials, transfer plans and more.

Our Technology

Scholarship Opportunities

Students applying for the American Honors program may also be considered for scholarship opportunities that can help fund the cost of tuition for the program. The American Honors Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization,  awards various scholarships to students demonstrating exceptional leadership, academic achievement, community involvement, and financial need.