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Wool Omnibus Edition (Wool 1 - 5) (Silo Saga) [Kindle Edition]

Hugh Howey
4.7 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (9,073 customer reviews)

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Hugh Howey's "Wool: The Graphic Novel"
The world outside has grown unkind, and talk of it forbidden. But there are always those who dream, who infect others with their optimism. Their punishment is the very thing they profess to want: They are allowed outside. Learn more

Book Description

This Omnibus Edition collects the five Wool books into a single volume. It is for those who arrived late to the party and who wish to save a dollar or two while picking up the same stories in a single package.

The first Wool story was released as a standalone short in July of 2011. Due to reviewer demand, the rest of the story was released over the next six months. My thanks go out to those reviewers who clamored for more. Without you, none of this would exist. Your demand created this as much as I did.

This is the story of mankind clawing for survival, of mankind on the edge. The world outside has grown unkind, the view of it limited, talk of it forbidden. But there are always those who hope, who dream. These are the dangerous people, the residents who infect others with their optimism. Their punishment is simple. They are given the very thing they profess to want: They are allowed outside.

What the press is saying:

Boing Boing's Official Review: "This story is terrific. I was completely immersed, watching Howey slowly paint a picture of a society gone wrong through the eyes and discovery of some truly compelling characters."'s Official GeekDad Review: "Howey is among a growing list of authors who are making successful careers of publishing without the assistance of agents and traditional publishing houses. The traditional argument has been that if a book couldn’t find a publisher it probably wasn’t worth reading. However, just as iTunes changed how consumers found music and the way in which bands made their bread, ebook readers, and in particular the Kindle, are changing the ways in which authors find their readers and make a living. All of this means the old assumptions about indie books no longer hold true, and readers need to be prepared to adjust their expectations accordingly. The Wool Omnibus is a great book and deserves recognition as a full fledged contribution to the science fiction genre."

Editorial Reviews


#1 Bestseller on Amazon * Winner of Kindle Book Review's Best Indie Book of 2012 Award

Ernie Cline, NYT bestselling author of READY PLAYER ONE -- "With WOOL Hugh Howey has created a new science fiction classic! The riveting storyline and detailed prose sucks you in immediately and makes you feel like you're right there in the silo with his characters. But unlike them, you'll be in no hurry to leave."

Justin Cronin, NYT bestselling author of THE PASSAGE -- "Howey's WOOL is an epic feat of imagination.  You will live in this world."

S.J. Watson, bestselling author of BEFORE I GO TO SLEEP -- "Exhilarating, intense, addictive."

Kathy Reichs NYT bestselling author of the Temperance Brennan and Tory Brennan series -- "WOOL is frightening, fascinating, and addictive. In one word, terrific."

Rick Riordan, NYT bestselling author of the Percy Jackson & the Olympians series -- "Hugh Howey is a skilled storyteller. He knows the craft of writing. Secrets unfold with just the right pacing, and I had to set my e-reader down several times and say, "Wow," when a major twist was revealed. If you're looking for a good post-apocalyptic read, you can't do much better than WOOL."

BoingBoing's Official Review:
"This story is terrific. I was completely immersed, watching Howey slowly paint a picture of a society gone wrong through the eyes and discovery of some truly compelling characters."'s Geek Dad Review:
"The old assumptions about indie books no longer hold true, and readers need to be prepared to adjust their expectations accordingly. The Wool Omnibus is a great book and deserves recognition as a full fledged contribution to sci-fi."

From the Author

Contains WOOL 1 - 5.

Product Details

  • File Size: 711 KB
  • Print Length: 550 pages
  • Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1469984202
  • Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
  • Publisher: Broad Reach Publishing (January 25, 2012)
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B0071XO8RA
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • X-Ray:
  • Lending: Enabled
  • Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #168 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
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Customer Reviews

Most Helpful Customer Reviews
736 of 821 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Amazing... Expectations exceeded April 30, 2012
Format:Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
First, the negatives.

Okay, now to the positives. The plot, the characters, the ideas, the writing... All amazing. The author has created something truly great here. I had never read anything by Hugh Howey before, but based solely on this omnibus edition of "Wool", he has been added to my personal top 5 list of sci-fi authors.

This is truly immersive story-telling, with well-developed, complex, believable characters, amazingly descriptive prose, jaw-dropping plot developments, deep concepts, and one kickass storyline. The last book that impressed me so thoroughly was "Hyperion" by Dan Simmons. "Hyperion" had a more mystical quality, wheras "Wool" is somehow more gritty and real. Both are examples of superior science fiction.

I am so happy to have discovered "Wool"... It has revived in me a love of reading that I thought I'd lost. Thank you, Hugh Howey.
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1,538 of 1,733 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Probably destined to be a Science Fiction Classic February 9, 2012
Format:Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
I am a long time science fiction reader and have read many wonderful stories that are based on science, technology, engineering and math. A few years ago I purchased a Kindle and it has opened up opportunities for me to read more with less effort and at less expense. I now have over two hundred science fiction books listed in my archives. Four days ago, I purchased the Wool Omnibus Edition by Hugh Howey. I finished it about an hour ago. This is the first review that I have ever been inspired to write about any book.

Some reviewers say that they cannot put a book down, once they get started into it. I have not understood this compulsion until last night, for the first time I had a hard time sleeping. I stopped reading sometime after midnight at a point in the book that left me anxious about the main character and was unwilling to disturb my wife by turning the light on or getting out of bed to pick up where I had left off. It takes a powerful piece of work to make me worry over what I know is fiction.

One small note to other authors that might be reading this review, part of what makes Wool a joy to read is the lack of grammatical and spelling errors of so many of the self published books. It is an extreme annoyance and distraction to me to read sentences in a book that I must stop, and reread substituting words that I think the author meant to understand the idea being communicated. Please take the time, your time or the time of others, to critically review your writing and fix these sentences that act as stumbling blocks for the reader on the journey you want to share with them. I and suspect many other readers would be willing to pay more for a book without grammatical and spelling errors.
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508 of 583 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Simply the Best February 10, 2012
By Kate
Format:Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
I read over a hundred books a year. All genres. I don't give a 5 rating lightly. For me a 4 can be something great. A 5 is something that is great and stays with me long after I read it. This will stay with me. I was there with the characters and in that silo from the first few pages. I could feel every emotion, frustration, and even the physical sensation of being dizzy and tired from the trips through the silo. The story kept building and I wanted to know everything and couldn't put it down. Truly superior writing and storytelling. I can honestly say it was one of the best things I've ever read and makes what I thought were some pretty good books seem terrible now. . .I'm talking to you Hunger Games. I look forward to the day when this has its own movie too because it surely deserves it.
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133 of 152 people found the following review helpful
4.0 out of 5 stars A writer to watch, for sure! April 10, 2012
Format:Kindle Edition
I became interested in Wool from reading Hugh Howey's posts on Kindleboards and vicariously enjoying his incredible success with the series. I launched into the first book with gusto. Howey's prose is clear, smooth and evocative. Anyone worried that Wool is less than professional in writing or presentation needn't be. I've read plenty of traditionally published books that aren't as well written or formatted.

The first book presents us with a world in which the last survivors of some kind of holocaust live in a 134-floor silo, protected from a natural environment that has become wildly toxic. The concept is great and Howey makes the most of it, providing a number of twists that regularly notch up the suspense.

Howey's main strength, though, is in his ability to create well-rounded characters whom we care about deeply and immediately. In this regard, I think he's actually better than some of the s-f giants of the past, such as (because someone else made the comparison) Isaac Asimov, whose work I positively devoured in my youth but whose characters were rarely more than two-dimensional cutouts moved around to serve the plot. (And if there is anything more cringe-worthy than a "classic" s-f writer's attempt at flirtatious dialogue, I don't know what it would be, unless it's listening to an elementary school orchestra. But I digress.) Howey writes real people who would be at home in any "literary" novel, which is a particularly high achievement in the s-f world.

So, why just four stars, aside from the fact that I'm a tough grader?


Some things about the concept I just didn't buy. I'll take a few "givens" in s-f, of course, but ultimately s-f requires a willing suspension of disbelief that I never quite achieved with Wool.
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Most Recent Customer Reviews
5.0 out of 5 stars Awesome
Loved it. Great dystopian society book. I can't wait to read about the other silos. Juliette was an amazing character.
Published 4 hours ago by Amazon Customer
5.0 out of 5 stars Five Stars
Enjoyed reading this book. It has a good plot and believable characters.
Published 6 hours ago by Amazon Customer
5.0 out of 5 stars Loved it!
"We have met the enemy and they are us!" I can't wait to read the rest. I've become a fan
Published 12 hours ago by Kimianne
4.0 out of 5 stars Wool
Wool is a well written book. The different parts of it keep the reader off balance, something that someone in the know in a dystopian society would feel.
Published 12 hours ago by JeffreyKeeten
5.0 out of 5 stars I could not put it down.
Intricate, involved, suspenseful, horrifying and satisfying! Incredible story- best author I have read in a very long while. Read them all!!
Published 18 hours ago by Denise McMahon
5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent Story
Even after finishing the Omnibus of the Wool series, the story and writing style are good enough that I'm still greedy for more. Read more
Published 23 hours ago by LaceyHoney
5.0 out of 5 stars I really enjoyed this series
The story is compelling, the pace is just right, the characters are well-written, and the ending (in the final book, "Dust") manages to wrap everything up in a neat little bow,... Read more
Published 1 day ago by Kindle Customer
5.0 out of 5 stars Amazing series....couldn't put it down
This author is great! Just when I would start to think, "This seems like a good stopping point for the night," something would happen and I just HAD to see what would happen next. Read more
Published 1 day ago by LindsB
5.0 out of 5 stars Vivid
I took my time reading and enjoyed tangential daydreams as I realized the scale and depth, while the real stories unfolded beyond expectations at most turns.
Published 1 day ago by David Bone
5.0 out of 5 stars great read
Yet another very entertaining post apocalyptic story. I plan to read the remainder of the series as well when I have time.
Published 1 day ago by procrastinate
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More About the Author

Hugh Howey is the author of the award-winning Molly Fyde Saga and the New York Times and USA Today bestselling WOOL series. The WOOL OMNIBUS won Kindle Book Review's 2012 Indie Book of the Year Award -- it has been as high as #1 in the Kindle store -- and 17 countries have picked up the work for translation. Look for WOOL in hardback in 2013 from Random House UK and keep your fingers crossed that Ridley Scott and Steve Zaillian will do something exciting with the film rights!

Hugh lives in Jupiter, FL with his wife Amber and their dog Bella. When he isn't writing, he's reading or taking a photograph.

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Legit Reviews?
I think it is a legitimately amazing book. Will it be remembered as a classic? There is no magic formula for that. Many a worthy book lies forgotten while comparatively lesser books stand the test of time. Should it be? I think so, in part because of the quality of the storytelling and in... Read More
Dec 13, 2012 by Carl V. Anderson |  See all 33 posts
Wool, and reality...
This is very cool. You should facebook friend the author...he has links to several of these on his page...people keep sending him links and he keep sharing them. He might not have this one yet!
Apr 12, 2012 by Amber M. Lyda |  See all 5 posts
Doesn't work in Kindle For PC?
Mike and Callie: There was some kind of glitch on Amazon's servers this past week. It affected a lot of books, three of mine included. Two of them have been restored, and the Omnibus is being worked on right now. It was out of my control, and by the time I heard about it, numerous users were... Read More
Mar 25, 2012 by Hugh C. Howey |  See all 5 posts
The text seem really small on the Kindle Edition
I have the same problem on my Paperwhite. And you can't change the font either. Kinda defeats the whole point of using an e-reader.
Dec 20, 2012 by akiya |  See all 3 posts
If you liked wool, check out metro 2033
Thanks for the suggestion!
Apr 3, 2013 by Marie J. Post |  See all 2 posts
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