Items Tagged with 'states'


EPA Gets Earful Regarding Carbon Emissions Proposal

Proposed federal greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions rules are either an economic burden or an environmental necessity, according to millions of comments submitted to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Read More

Pennsylvania Governor's Race Narrows With Energy Issues Front and Center

Polls show Pennsylvania's Republican Gov.Tom Corbett narrowing the double-digit lead that Democratic challenger Tom Wolf has enjoyed... Read More

EIA Expands Heating Oil, Propane Price Data Program to 38 States

The U.S. Energy Information Administration said it is expanding its program for collecting weekly residential heating oil and propane price data from 24 to 38 states this winter. Read More

Crude-by-Rail on Track for Resolution, Says API Economist

The issues that linger between federal regulators and oil/rail industry representatives over crude oil rail transportation are going to be resolved, but changes in the Obama administration’s cabinet could slow the process, the American Petroleum Institute's (API) chief economist told NGI Wednesday. Read More

U.S. Shale Gas Shifting World Trade Markets, Says IMF

The United States is set to join the "legion" of liquefied natural gas (LNG) exporters on the surge of production from the shale boom, setting up a significant change to global markets, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) said in its latest World Economic Outlook. Read More

ExxonMobil Chief Makes Case for Energy Exports, 'Far-Sighted' Policies

ExxonMobil Corp. isn't about to let the natural gas and oil opportunities in North America slip out of its grasp, CEO Rex Tillerson told a Houston audience Thursday. But federal officials might if they don't allow energy exports to be freely traded, he said. Read More

GWPC: More States Regulating Fracking, Requiring Baseline Water Testing

Regulators in 27 states, which collectively account for 98% of domestic oil and natural gas production, have "substantially improved groundwater protection laws and regulations governing oil and natural gas production," including laws governing hydraulic fracturing (fracking), according to a report by the Ground Water Protection Council (GWPC). Read More

Bakken Growth Steady, Aimed at Four Counties, North Dakota Official Says

There will be no big decline in North Dakota oil and natural gas production over the next two years, the state's chief oil/gas regulatory told an association of the state's county energy officials on Thursday. Major production will remain concentrated in four counties: Dunn, McKenzie, Mountrail and Williams. Read More

Western Governors Forging Paths to Mesh Energy Development, Opposition

Leaders in Washington, DC, and state governors across the country should take note of how western states are meshing environmental goals with growing oil and gas development, Utah Gov. Gary Herbert said last Wednesday. If they did, some of the big issues at hand might be solved more successfully, he told an audience in Denver at the Colorado Oil & Gas Association's Rocky Mountain Energy Summit. Read More

California Sees Vindication, Opportunities from EPA Rules

As strong advocates for government-backed climate change mitigation efforts, California officials are viewing the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) power plant emission rules as the state's shining moment with a chance to gain momentum for its now eight-year implementation of comprehensive climate change programs, including a cap-and-trade system that could benefit from the federal EPA rules. Read More