Items Tagged with 'prices'


EIA Expands Heating Oil, Propane Price Data Program to 38 States

The U.S. Energy Information Administration said it is expanding its program for collecting weekly residential heating oil and propane price data from 24 to 38 states this winter. Read More

North Dakota Officials Eye Oil Price Declines; Fear Rig Cutback

Bakken sweet crude oil on Wednesday was fetching $66.25/bbl, prompting North Dakota's chief oil/natural gas regulator to spend most of his time during a monthly production webinar lamenting the possibility of future slowed production in the state's otherwise uninterrupted oil boom. Read More

Declining Crude Prices May Cause Pause in Onshore Boom, Say Analysts

Stagnant natural gas prices led exploration and production companies to move their drillbits to more lucrative liquids. Now, declining crude prices... Read More

Panelists: LNG Exports Won't Lead to U.S. Price Spikes

Warnings from some who claim sending too much U.S. natural gas overseas could cause severe domestic price spikes are short-sighted and don't account for... Read More

Moody's Cuts Natural Gas Price Assumptions Through 2015

North American natural gas prices should rise eventually on demand from new petrochemical plants and the start-up of export facilities, but it won't be until later this decade, Moody's Investors Service analysts said Thursday in cutting price assumptions through 2015. Read More

Traditional Seasonality Questioned; October Called 5 Cents Lower

October natural gas is set to open 5 cents lower Tuesday morning at $3.88 as traders see little in the way of market-moving near-term events and weather forecasts look benign. Overnight oil markets fell. Read More

Stout Production Could Keep Natural Gas Prices Lower, Longer

As the market nears the end of the natural gas injection season next month, industry analysts are looking to the winter season and beyond to see what lies ahead. From what they’re seeing, higher prices may not be as close as some producers may have hoped. Read More

Enforcement Has a Pivotal Role at FERC, Fuels Chief Says

FERC’s enforcement division has grown from five to to 500 employees since the market meltdown in 2000-2001, staffing a market monitoring center that closely follows electric and natural gas prices, tracking apparent aberrations for any evidence of market manipulation. Last winter’s polar vortex didn’t make their job any easier. Read More

EIA Cuts Another 13 Cents From 2015 Henry Hub Price Forecast

Henry Hub natural gas prices are expected to average $4.46/MMBtu this year and $3.87/MMBtu next year, thanks in large part to a continuing production surge, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) said Tuesday. Read More

Traders Factoring in Lower EIA Price Forecast; September Called Down 6 Cents

September natural gas is set to open 6 cents lower Wednesday morning at $3.91 as traders discount forecasts of warmer temperatures and focus on a government report suggesting sub-$4 prices. Overnight oil markets fell. Read More