As North Dakota is poised to pass the nation’s first Personhood amendment (known as “Measure 1”) something to consider.


NOT A JOKE: Photos from Personhood for Women

Also, check out National Advocates for Pregnant Women, org that stands up for the rights of women (often the ones with the least means), debunks bad science, and challenges religious extremists influencing laws in courts.

I went into my adoption work as a strong advocate of a woman’s right to choose, and I retire this year as an even stronger one. In fact, I wish abortion had been more readily available to many of the clients I worked with. Randie Bencanann, former co-director of an adoption agency, in her RH Reality Check article Adoption Is Not a Universal Alternative to Abortion, No Matter What Anti-Choicers Say

During the Rams vs. 49ers game in St. Louis on Monday night, activists and members of the community protested outside and inside the arena as part of the Ferguson “weekend of resistance.” Read more and watch video from the protest here:

When I was a teen I had a partner who was, at times, verbally abusive. He made threats that he would have his family members physically attack me if I “acted out.” Because his abuse didn’t leave me with bruises, I thought it was part of a deep love that sometimes hurts. His threats were peppered with whispers of love and plans for the future. Mistakenly I thought we’d be able to work it out. It wasn’t until he punched a wall next to my head, resulting in a boxer’s fracture and a cast, that I realized I should start planning my exit strategy. When I found out that I was pregnant, at 19, I knew I had to get out. I couldn’t put a child through the stress and violence I experienced.

Having an abortion was one of the ways I was able to leave the relationship and make changes in my life. It was the best decision for me. I will never apologize for that.

With the prevalence of abuse in relationships, my story is common.

Renee Bracey Sherman in her RH Reality Check article For Survivors of Abuse, Access to Abortion Can Be a Lifesaver
The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans has ruled that the State of Texas can now enforce HB 2, an omnibus anti-choice law. In light of this ruling, here are the burdens women like Maria, a representative 26-year-old woman living in Harlingen, Texas, who finds herself pregnant, will face.Much more here:

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans has ruled that the State of Texas can now enforce HB 2, an omnibus anti-choice law. In light of this ruling, here are the burdens women like Maria, a representative 26-year-old woman living in Harlingen, Texas, who finds herself pregnant, will face.

Much more here:

At the end of August, Jandira Magdalena dos Santos Cruz, a 27-year-old women living in Rio de Janeiro, decided to end her pregnancy. Abortion is illegal except in rare cases in Brazil, but a friend gave her the name of a clandestine provider, and she agreed to pay the equivalent of U.S. $2,200 for the procedure. On August 26, Cruz, who had no other information other than a card with the doctor’s name and phone number, met a stranger in the bus station who was supposed to drive her to the clinic. Her ex-husband was the last person to see her when he dropped her off in the morning; when he went to pick her up in the afternoon, she had not returned. She has not been found since. Beatriz Galli in her article “Brazil’s Criminal Abortion Laws Are Killing Women