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Colorado’s ‘Personhood’ Amendment Is an Attack on Women of Color

If Colorado expands the definition of "person" and "child" in its criminal code to include "unborn human beings," the results would be especially devastating for Latina women and other women of color.

If Colorado expands the definition of “person” and “child” in its criminal code to include “unborn human beings,” the results would be especially devastating for Latina women and other women of color.

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Pro-Choice Groups Hit Back After Denver Post Endorses Anti-Choice Gardner

Abortion rights organizations say the Denver Post's endorsement of senatorial candidate Cory Gardner contradicts the paper's long-held editorial stance on choice, among other things.

Abortion rights organizations say the Denver Post‘s endorsement of senatorial candidate Cory Gardner contradicts the paper’s long-held editorial stance on choice, among other things.

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Hulu Rejects Anti-Personhood Ad, Labels it ‘Controversial’

A leading online streaming-video service has rejected an advertisement that features a rape victim who opposes Colorado’s "personhood" amendment, because the issue of abortion is too “controversial.” But Hulu runs ads on other political issues.

A leading online streaming-video service has rejected an advertisement that features a rape victim who opposes Colorado’s “personhood” amendment, because the issue of abortion is too “controversial.” But Hulu runs ads on other political issues.

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Pregnant Texans Are Being Charged With Crimes That Don’t Exist

Texas' penal code explicitly exempts pregnant individuals from being punished for harming their own fetuses. But that hasn't stopped prosecutors from charging them with child endangerment for using drugs while pregnant.

Texas’ penal code explicitly exempts pregnant individuals from being punished for harming their own fetuses. But that hasn’t stopped prosecutors from charging them with child endangerment for using drugs while pregnant.

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South Carolina Gubernatorial Race: Three Candidates, All Anti-Choice

The South Carolina governor’s race might not be a race at all, but it's become a case study in the power of anti-choice politics in deep-red states.

The South Carolina governor’s race might not be a race at all, but it’s become a case study in the power of anti-choice politics in deep-red states.

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Advocates Urge Justice Department to Renounce the Criminalization of Pregnancy

A letter sent by 48 reproductive justice, drug policy reform, women's rights, and civil liberties organizations, called on Attorney General Eric Holder and the Department of Justice to renounce a policy of enhancing a criminal sentence for crimes committed while pregnant.

A letter sent by 48 reproductive justice, drug policy reform, women’s rights, and civil liberties organizations called on Attorney General Eric Holder and the Department of Justice to renounce a policy of enhancing a criminal sentence for crimes committed while pregnant.

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Reproductive Health Remains a Contentious Topic in Colorado Senate Debate

Questioned by debate moderators, Rep. Cory Gardner falsely stated that federal "personhood" legislation is “simply a statement of belief,” and Sen. Mark Udall said he wouldn't ban later abortions.

Questioned by debate moderators, Rep. Cory Gardner falsely stated that federal “personhood” legislation is “simply a statement of belief,” and Sen. Mark Udall said he wouldn’t ban later abortions.

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Is Colorado’s ‘Personhood’ Amendment a Sweeping Approach to Ban Abortion?

A measure on the Colorado ballot has been compared to “fetal homicide” laws in dozens of states, but the measure is more far-reaching, and could subject pregnant women to prosecution for everything from choosing abortion to driving without wearing a seat belt.

A measure on the Colorado ballot has been compared to “fetal homicide” laws in dozens of states, but the measure is more far-reaching, and could subject pregnant women to prosecution for everything from choosing abortion to driving without wearing a seat belt.

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Alabama ‘Lawyers for Fetuses’ Law Latest Sign of Creeping Fetal ‘Personhood’ Rights

A lawsuit filed by the ACLU challenges an Alabama law that appoints a lawyer to a fetus in judicial bypass proceedings.

“The fetus basically gets two lawyers to try and stop the minor from getting an abortion in a way that no other state’s law comes close to doing,” said Andrew Beck, one of the ACLU attorneys challenging the Alabama law on behalf of a Montgomery abortion clinic, arguing it is unconstitutional.

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Coffman Uses Planned Parenthood Logo in Ad After Voting to Defund the Health-Care Provider

Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains is surprised that Rep. Mike Coffman is featuring a Planned Parenthood Action Fund logo in a new ad, due to Coffman's anti-choice record and multiple votes in Congress to halt federal funding for Planned Parenthood.

Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains is surprised that Rep. Mike Coffman is featuring a Planned Parenthood Action Fund logo in a new ad, due to Coffman’s anti-choice record and multiple votes in Congress to halt federal funding for Planned Parenthood.

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