Hulu Rejects Anti-Personhood Ad, Labels it ‘Controversial’

Read more of our articles on Amendment 67 here.

An advertisement opposing Colorado’s proposed “personhood” amendment has been rejected by Hulu, a leading online streaming-video service, according to documents released by the Vote No on 67 Campaign.

The ad features a rape victim, who states that the proposed “personhood” amendment—which would add “unborn human beings” to Colorado’s criminal code—could prevent survivors like her from being offered emergency contraception.

“According to our advertising bylaws, we are not able to accept ‘ads that advocate a controversial political or other public position,’ which unfortunately No 67 falls under due to the subject matter of abortion,” a Hulu representative wrote to the Vote No 67 campaign.

Hulu did not return calls and emails asking why abortion is considered too “controversial” for advertisements, especially when Hulu has run ads promoting political candidates like Colorado senatorial candidate Cory Gardner, as well as ads attacking the Affordable Care Act and fracking, according to Vote No 67.

The facts in the rejected ad are accurate. The “personhood” amendment on Colorado’s November 4 ballot would add “unborn human beings” to Colorado’s criminal code, which could result in bans on birth control methods.

“I was on my daily run when I was attacked, and beaten and raped,” says “Amanda” in the rejected ad. “What I’ve been through is one of the many reasons I oppose Amendment 67. When I was at the hospital, I was offered emergency contraception. Amendment 67 could ban abortion and emergency contraception, even in cases of rape or incest. Of course, we all want to protect pregnant women, but Amendment 67 isn’t the way.”

In an email asking Hulu to reconsider, the Vote No 67 campaign wrote that Hulu has a “responsibility to foster free speech, including information about upcoming issues in an election.”

“We know Hulu is an important media outlet for Colorado voters and younger women who will be most affected by Amendment 67,” wrote Vote No 67 spokespeople Fofi Mendez and Cathy Alderman of Planned Parenthood Votes Colorado. “Many of these voters will be concerned to learn that Hulu has decided not to run commercials about the issues that affect them directly.”

The Vote No 67 campaign’s “Amanda” ad is running on other sites, and the campaign has ads on Facebook, Twitter, Pandora, and Google Adwords, Alderman told RH Reality Check. She added that Hulu’s objection was not with the Amanda ad, but with the issue of abortion.

No other media outlet has rejected a Vote No 67 ad, and two of its ads are airing on television stations in Colorado, Alderman said. The ads are posted in the “videos” section of the campaign website.

Another Vote No 67 advertisement features a doctor, Ruben Alvero, working in his office.

A Voice for Brady, which supports Amendment 67, is distributing one 60-second TV ad, along with a radio spot, which are also airing statewide, according to a campaign email.

The radio spot is narrated by A Voice for Brady spokeswoman Heather Surovik and describes a 2012 tragedy that resulted in the loss of her fetus, which she’d named Brady. Under Colorado law, fetuses technically have no legal rights, though state law allows for prosecutors to bring charges against, for example, a drunk driver for recklessly terminating a pregnancy.

Amendment 67 would convey rights on fertilized eggs, embryos, and fetuses, which would effectively ban both abortion at any stage of pregnancy and many forms of birth control.

“Personhood” amendments were defeated in Colorado in 2008 and 2010. A “personhood” measure failed to qualify for the ballot in 2012.

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  • Arachne646

    Conferring “personhood” upon a process going on inside a woman’s body effectively dehumanizes pregnant women, and takes away human rights, like the right to adequate health care, from all women. “Personhood” laws, I understand, would criminalize several highly effective forms of contraception which prevent abortions.

  • P. McCoy

    Colorado got usurped by religious anti choice fascists the moment SoCal groups like Focus on the family et al moved to Colorado Springs. The best one can do is a: hope all pro choicers vote b: boycott Colorado, c: drop or don’t subscribe to Hulu and let the company know that one does not support companies that prefer parasites (can they pay for Hulu?) to Women and Men for bodily autonomy.

  • fiona64

    Joshua needs to be slapped. Hard.

    • night porter

      It’s another one. They all have the same arguments – it’s all starting to run together in my mind. Acyutananda replied to Timothy Griffy last night, and I almost vomited, because he is making the argument that the ‘harm’ of pregnancy, especially if a sloot *chose* to have sex, does not outweigh the harm done by killing an innocent embryo. These people are truly awful.

      Joshua has not returned since he got slapped last week.

      • fiona64

        They really do continue to prove how easy and convenient it is to be an anti-choice male, don’t they?

        • night porter

          I honestly don’t know what’s worse…the jerks who are so ignorant that they truly believe that pregnancy is a minor inconvenience, or the misogynists who admit that it is harmful and painful but eh….zygotes are more important than women. I am going to go with the latter. One such fellow even admitted as much, but said eh, female suffering pales in comparison the preciousness of a zygote. This same fellow (ockraz from spl) had the gall to say that was ‘run by the same people who are behind RHRC and is *not* a legitimate human rights organization.’

          Yeah, because any organization that seeks to stop the enslavement of women through forced gestation is clearly opposed to human rights, since apparently only zygotes are human, and women are just subhuman incubators!

        • Pinkladyapple

          Until their wife or girlfriend needs a life-saving abortion.

          • fiona64

            Well, as always with the anti-choice, their situation is and always will be a “case of need.” Everyone else is just “avoiding responsibility.”

          • Pinkladyapple

            I remember Lila Rose saying in a tweet that abortion is never ever necessary to save the life of the woman, Also some guy named Drew Hymer I believe his name was I forgot what website I read it on, saying ectopic pregnancies ” can just be moved to the uterus”.

    • HeilMary1

      Or a fetus-in-fetu “tumor.”