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Judicial Q&A: Greg Glass

(Note: As I have done in past elections, I am running a series of Q&As for Democratic judicial candidates on the November ballot. This is intended to help introduce the candidates and their experiences to those who plan to vote. I am running these responses in the order that I receive them from the candidates.)

Greg Glass

Greg Glass

1. Who are you and what are you running for?

My name is Greg Glass, and I am running for Judge of the 230th Criminal District Court.

2. What kind of cases does this court hear?

This Court hears all nature of alleged felony offenses.

3. Why are you running for this particular bench?

I am running for this bench because I have extensive criminal trial experience which drives my desire to improve at least one felony District Court. My forty-one (41) years of experience have given me an enhanced perspective in fashioning fair, just and meaningful outcomes of cases in that court. I am very much a people person, and it is important that judges recognize that they deal with people, not just cases. Both victims and defendants are people. Too often in the past, docket control has been the focus of many, if not most, of the Republican judges on the criminal felony bench. I also believe there are far too many low level, non-violent offenders (such as drug offenders) who need to be out on bond, as long as they have adequate community ties and do not pose a danger to the community. It is preferable that we not warehouse a large jail population awaiting trial, but provide a means, such as expanded use of personal bonds, for them to get out of jail, obtain or maintain employment, support their dependents and hire private attorneys. This conserves county resources, and encourages individual responsibility. Additionally, I would not always revoke and double bonds, as is the current practice with most felony judges, when an accused submits a positive drug test while on bond. Rather, I might when appropriate, then require the defendant to enroll in an approved outpatient drug treatment program, and successfully participate in it to maintain their bond status.

4. What are your qualifications for this job?

I have tried well over one hundred felony cases, both in State and Federal Courts. I have handled literally thousands of criminal cases, most of them felonies. I have been Board Certified in Criminal Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization since 1983. And I feel that I have the requisite judicial temperament for the job. My experience and qualifications are extensive.

5. Why is this race important?

This race is important because the position of felony district judge is important. The citizens of Harris County are more likely to encounter a local judge than any other elected official. Judges directly affect the lives of many citizens of this county. Based on my years of professional and personal experience with numerous judges all over the state, it is important for both lawyers and laymen alike to know that when they go to court, the judge truly is fair and impartial, and will not show bias in favor of or against either party.

6. Why should people vote for you in November?

Any judge should, of course, follow the law. But beyond that, my philosophy is that every person who appears before the court, regardless of religion, national origin, race, color, creed, gender or sexual orientation, should have confidence that he or she will be treated with fairness, justice, dignity and respect. I am committed to these core values. That judicial philosophy, combined with my extensive criminal court experience and excellent credentials (I was Board Certified in Criminal Law before my opponent was licensed as an attorney), makes me the ideal candidate for Judge of the 230 Criminal District Court of Harris County, Texas.

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