Van de Putte Ad: A Matter of Trust

Endorsement: Vote Straight Ticket Democrat

Monday, 10/20/14, is the first day of Early Voting and urges you to vote a STRAIGHT DEMOCRATIC TICKET.

I should also mention, where there is no “D” but there is a Green Party candidate, I will vote for the “greenie.” No, I won’t vote for Libertarians. And Republicans? Now, that’s a laugh. If all I have is an “R” I’m skipping that race.

There are some races where a Republican high-spanic is running. In these races, I urge my Chicano/Latino family to NOT vote for them just because of their name, and to vote for the Democratic candidate. And that goes for everyone else.

Whether it is the high-spanic Bushie running for Texas Land Commissioner or the right-wing high-spanic running for Harris County Treasurer, the bottom line is that Republicans have proven to be toxic in 2014, especially against the poor, infirm, of color, women, the disabled, etc., and high-spanic Republicans are even more dangerous. In the case of these races, I urge you to vote for John Cook for Texas Land Commissioner, and my friend David Rosen for Harris County Treasurer. They are the best choices in these races, so it should be a no-brainer, anyway.

In areas in which I do not reside, but you might, please vote:  Luis Lopez for Texas House District 132, Re-Elect Mary Ann Perez in Texas House District 144, and Amy Perez for Texas House District 150.

From the top to the bottom of the ballot, the Democratic Party offers strong candidates who will serve Texas and Harris County well. I don’t support them just because they are Democrats, but because they offer solutions to the challenges faced by Texas. Wendy Davis is looking toward the future; Leticia Van de Putte is an exceptional leader who will ensure the Texas Legislature works for all Texans; Sam Houston is the only choice for Attorney General who will defend the rights of all Texans; as Texas Comptroller, Mike Collier will be an accountable and responsible steward of our tax dollars and investments; John Cook, as Land Commissioner, will protect the public lands which generate revenue for our public schools; and my friend Steve Brown will bring transparency to the Texas Railroad Commission.

While we have a strong statewide slate, we cannot forget about the rest of the ballot. Decisions are made in our local courts that affect us all. We must re-elect Justice Jim Sharp to the 1st Court of Appeals; send good folks like Judge Steven Kirkland, Ursula Hall and Jim Peacock to the district courts (just to name a few); or my friends Kathy Vossler and Tracy Good to the Family and Juvenile Courts;  or another friend, Raul Rodriguez to the County Court. There are so many to mention, but they would all serve offering fairness and justice for all.

And still, there are other positions, such as Ann Bennett who will protect our voting rights as County Clerk. Or keeping and sending, respectively, Deb Kerner and Melissa Noriega on/to the Harris County Department of Education Board of Trustees. And let’s not forget Jim Cargas for Congressional District 7! There are a lot of names on the ballot, and many I missed here, but I support all the Democrats.

I have no problem whatsoever voting a straight Democratic ticket in 2014. And neither should you. The future of Texas is at stake, and voting for Republicans will only continue setting us back decades. We must move forward, and the only chance of that happening is with a Democratic slate.


A voter photo ID will be required. Click here for acceptable IDs, or how to obtain a FREE Voter ID from you DPS office.

Added Guidance from a Trusted FB friend:

Please remember to vote in the Lone Star College System elections, too. If you vote ONLY a straight party ballot, you will miss them. Please vote YES on the bond; Art Murillo, Alton Smith, and Dom Bongiorni (District 3, 4, and 9) for trustees.



Van de Putte: Rape is Always Rape

In her latest ad, Leticia Van de Putte calls out Dan Patrick’s opposition to abortion even for rape and incest, as well as votes against funding for the backlog of rape kits. Whether it’s women, Latinos and immigrants, or school kids, Dan Patrick is wrong on every issue. Give it a watch and share it!

When Does Obama’s PR Campaign on Immigration Begin?

Remember when President Barack Obama said he was delaying executive action on immigration so that he could run some sort of public relations campaign to convince voters that it was the right thing to do?

So, when does that begin? I mean, not that 438,000 deportations in 2013 is helping that cause any, or the continued deportation program.
alisonOur friends at Latino Rebels tell us that the current campaign to elect anti-immigrant Democrats is going strong. Case in point:  Alison Grimes of Kentucky who says she’d never support “amnesty,” like her right-wing opponent Mitch McConnell did in, yes, 1986.

Mary Landrieu in Louisiana is running her own “border security” ad, and we all know how Kay Hagan in North Carolina feels about brown folks from 6 years ago. Reminder:  These are two of the Dumbocrats for which executive action was delayed. If only they could be more like the independent guy in Kansas, Greg Orman, who knows how to play to both sides on the sucky S.744.

This definitely reminds me of when Democrats were running dumb anti-immigrant ads back in 2006. Remember when the DSCC was running that ad called “Secure”? Remember the backlash?

And what is President Obama (and Bill and Hillary Clinton) going to say about Grimes’ anti-immigrant ads? Note to Prez:  Alison Grimes may not be the best spokesperson for that PR campaign.

Frankly, I’m sick of this crap. It doesn’t help Democrats win. Just ask people like Nick Lampson or Chet Edwards how their anti-immigrant ads helped them win. We’ve got some good Democrats to elect here in Texas, and it’s time we start ignoring races in other states, especially when we’re running nativists for these positions; all for an ineffective scorecard majority that gives us nothing.

I’ve said I’m not a single issue voter, but it has become way too easy for Democrats to stomp all over Latinos and immigrants just to gain a vote. We certainly don’t need apologists for nativists in the Party.

Did You Check Out Cristela?

Cristela_ABCI’ve gotta admit, I didn’t know what to think in the run-up to the premiere of Cristela, the new ABC show about the trials and tribulations of a Texas Mexican American woman who wants to be a lawyer–in comedic format, of course.

Everytime we’ve had a show about Chicanos or other Latinos, our hearts have either been broken by the TV execs or by a show’s lack of funny. I still remember my first heartbreak when AKA Pablo starring Paul Rodriguez was cancelled a few episodes in. Ultimately, while Chicanos ate it up, the big bad gringo execs and audiences didn’t catch on; if anything, they were offended by it. Whodathunk it was produced by the great and legendary Norman Lear, right?

Well, enter Cristela, in what is considered a history-making show by Mexican American, Texan comedian Cristela Alonzo. The synopsis:

The series will chronicle the life of a Mexican-American law school graduate who must balance her chance to live the American Dream by working as an unpaid intern at a law firm, with the concerns of her family, including her sister (a call center operator at a cable TV company who wants her to get a real job), her brother-in-law (who sees her as a freeloader and wants her to find another place to live), and her mother (who wants her to settle down).

The show has everything Chicanos and other Latinos might experience:  Extended families, judgmental old-school mom, politically incorrect gringo boss, and above all, everyday struggle. In other words, it is like the beginnings of Roseanne, except with a mostly Latino cast, backed up by some zany gabachos.

One episode in, I’m sold (click link to watch it online). I can identify with a lot of what the show offers that the Huxtables, Seinfeld, and Friends never attempted to offer (I still liked those shows, though). I’m pretty sure a lot of Chicanos and Latinos of my generation can identify with it and will enjoy it. Mostly, I’m glad that a bunch of Latinos are employed in Hollywood because of Alonzo’s efforts.

Let’s face it, we don’t have a lot of Latino programming on TV, especially quality programming. Cristela has a lot of potential to gain a wide audience. And that’s what it needs. Latinos are just part of the equation for this show’s future success. The viewership needs to be diverse; and not just because it is a good show, but because it really is an opportunity to learn. But mostly, to laugh. There aren’t a lot of new shows out there that make us laugh.

As funny as Alonzo is, there’s also Fluffy (Gabriel Iglesias) to add to the laughs.

So, if you missed it last night, you can still watch it online.


Wendy Davis’ Factual Ad About Greg Abbott

Fact:  Greg Abbott was in accident, sued, and made a bundle.

Fact:  Greg Abbott has ruled or opined against people in similar situations.

Fact:  Greg Abbott is all about limiting lawsuits, except his own.

Here’s a great ad from Wendy Davis on the two-faced nature of Greg Abbott.

Wendy Davis Radio Ad: Aqui En Las Calles

Wendy Davis has hit the radiowaves with a strong “people on the street” Spanish-language ad which calls out Greg Abbott’s lack of support of Texas schools. Give it a listen (click the orange button).

Comedian Mike Robles Interviews David Lee Garza

I was spending some time on YouTube and found this gem of an interview. Comedian Mike Robles interviewed 2013 Latin Grammy winner and Tejano Music legend David Lee Garza. It’s a pretty good platica about DLG’s career, the future of Tejano music, and even a short instrumental by this accordion king. Enjoy!

Credit: Mike Robles TV

HISD Up Close Features Rice Professor Richard Tapia

I’ve been away from my blogging duties for the last couple of weeks as my mom is working on getting over a nasty case of pneumonia. She’s recouperating slowly and I’d like to thank all my friends and family for their good thoughts and well-wishes during this time.

Still, I don’t want to make you all suffer from lack of DC content, so, here’s a video I’d like to share featuring my friend, HISD Board President Juliet Stipeche, interviewing National Medal of Science winner and Rice University Professor Dr. Richard Tapia. Enjoy!

[Video] Wendy Davis ~ Empleos De Hoy

In case you haven’t seen it, Texas Gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis released this Spanish-language ad on Texas Education.

“Today’s jobs require an education, but how many of our children aren’t going to achieve their dreams because of Greg Abbott?

He fought against our schools, defending budget cuts which resulted in the lost of 11,000 teachers.

Democrat Wendy Davis knows the importance of an education, she wants to move a step forward with pre-k, double the funding for professional education, and to put universities within the reach of all of our children.

With Wendy, we achieve more.”