Split focus for Texas Democrats on display at convention

G.J. McCarthy/Staff Photographer
Georgia Cunningham of San Antonio joined others in singing the national anthem during the Texas Democratic State Convention on Saturday at the Dallas Convention Center.
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Two Texas Democratic parties gathered this weekend in Dallas — one focused on the present, the other preparing for the future.

For the Wendy Davis stalwarts festooned in orange T-shirts and star-spangled hats and buttons, the party’s state convention was all about November. They sought to energize women and begin winning over persuadable, moderate voters this year to make the Fort Worth senator the next governor.

For groups like Battleground Texas, which aim to make the state competitive long term, the focus was on organizing a growing, reliable database of voters, including Hispanics, a process that could take years.

While the goals often overlap, the tension over priorities was frequently in evidence at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center.

Near the table selling Wendy Davis for Governor 2014 T-shirts was the Ready for Hillary booth, with its attention on the next presidential race. On Saturday, while Davis herself sought out true believers for November, Battleground Texas was holding a workshop that looked a lot at building for the future.

Delegate Fernando Rojas of Dallas said reversing two decades of Republican political fortunes in Texas is likely to take time. “We definitely have a challenge,” he said. “But I know the future is ours.”

Davis made it clear the future is now. Making the rounds of delegate caucuses, she dismissed that she’s trailing in the polls and fundraising, comparing her long-shot bid to beat veteran Republican officeholder Greg Abbott to U.S. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s unexpected primary loss this month to an insurgent challenger in Virginia.

“I’m telling people Eric Cantor’s famous last words — ‘But I was up 34 percent in the polls,’” Davis told delegates Saturday.

The comment also pointed to a simple truth: The disagreements Texas Democrats have, nearly two decades out of power, are muted in comparison with the split among Republicans, where tea party and establishment forces are openly fighting over the future of the party.

The Ready for Hillary booth in the exhibition hall was, perhaps, the clearest sign that some at the convention have their sights set on 2016 and beyond. The group is an independent political committee formed by supporters who hope Hillary Rodham Clinton will run for president.

Regina Montoya, a Dallas lawyer and hospital executive who worked in former President Bill Clinton’s administration, was volunteering at the booth Saturday. She said the organizational efforts around Davis and lieutenant governor nominee Leticia Van de Putte will help prepare an army of supporters for Clinton should she seek the White House.

“We want the enthusiasm level for these great strong women from 2014 to 2016, and that’s what this effort is about,” Montoya said.

“It’s really important that the priorities of fundraising, but most important having a grass roots supporting a fabulous candidate like Hillary Clinton, come together,” she said. “Of course, we don’t have a candidate at this point, but if the candidate’s Hillary Clinton in 2016, we will be ready.”

At its workshop Saturday, Battleground Texas trained delegates how to persuade undecided voters using techniques and approaches honed in President Barack Obama’s 2012 presidential race.

“These messages were actually tested, not just something that somebody thought sounds good,” said Laura Derrick, Battleground’s special projects manager who helped Obama win Ohio. “They did focus groups. They did message testing.”

For example, volunteers are encouraged to use the term “hard working” instead of “middle class,” which suggests economic division among some voters. The Battleground model developed for Texas found that voters respond particularly to someone who will “fight for them” and oppose Abbott if they see him as “an insider” — both phrases that Davis repeatedly used in her speech to the convention.

“We didn’t have this before in Texas — now we do,” Derrick said.

Jeremy Bird, a founder of Battleground Texas whose Chicago-based consulting firm also works for Ready for Hillary, said part of the task of building a sustainable voter base is dealing with barriers against voting, especially among Hispanics who don’t vote in numbers reflecting their population.

“When you look at voting history in Texas and you look at the cultural barriers of several cycles of low voter turnout, we have to break that down,” Bird said. “We have to give people a clear articulation of why their vote matters and the difference between the two parties.

Rojas, the Dallas delegate, said he’s impressed with Battleground Texas’ focus on building a structure to win elections.

“They’re not saying, ‘Well, we’re definitely going to win this time.’ We’re building for 2016,” he said. “Every team we build for Battleground right now is for November, but also for the future.”

Zac Petkanas, a spokesman for the Davis campaign, says there’s no conflict between those focused on winning this year and those engaged in building for the future.

“The way to build infrastructure in 2016 and 2018 is to win in 2014,” he said. “Anyone who thinks otherwise doesn’t have the credibility of someone running for dog catcher.”

While Democrats see the goals as complementary, resources are finite, and some Davis allies are already pushing for Democratic groups to spend more money now on things such as TV ads in the hopes of boosting the nominee in the polls.

Houston Mayor Annise Parker served notice that whatever the longer-term plans for rebuilding the party, the path to victory this year for Davis and Van de Putte requires an appeal beyond party lines to suburban women uneasy about the GOP’s shift to the right.

“Beyond the people in this room,” Parker told the thousands of delegates and party activists in the hall Friday night, “we win by talking to progressive voters, independent voters and conservative voters. It’s time to have a real conversation, because a lot of them are terrified about what is happening in their party.”

Cari Christman, executive director of the Republican group Red State Women, said it’s good that Democrats have two women at the top of the ticket, but that’s not enough to win female voters in fall.

“Wendy Davis has backed herself into a corner as a single-issue candidate,” she said, asserting that her 11-hour filibuster last year against abortion restrictions is a disqualifier for many conservative Republican women who oppose abortion rights.

“Texas women are not a single-issue demographic,” she said. “So it’s going to be difficult for her to define herself as a candidate outside of a wedge issue.”

A reporter asked Davis on Saturday — four months before Election Day — whether it might be too late for a campaign that, polls suggest, has failed to attract sufficient women voters from Abbott. She offered a tart reply.

“I’d say that’s absurd,” she said. “I trust that people are going to commit the energy to make this happen. I can see that as I travel around the state in a way that can’t be measured by polls that only ask likely voters based on their past behavior what they might do this time.”

Davis says she’s focused on true believers in November.

“In these elections,” she said, “belief is half the battle.”

Follow Wayne Slater on Twitter at @wayneslater.

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