Major Texas Newspapers All Agree: Leticia Van de Putte is the Right Choice for Lieutenant Governor

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In advance of the start of early voting yesterday, newspapers across Texas have been releasing their endorsements. In the course of all the endorsements over the past month, there’s been one thing every single major newspaper in Texas has agreed upon: Leticia Van de Putte is the best choice to become Texas’ next lieutenant governor.

Van de Putte has received the endorsements of 11 newspapers from across Texas, including the most popular newspapers of every major city in the state. She’s been endorsed by the Corpus Christi Caller-Times, Houston Chronicle, Austin American-Statesman, The Daily Texan, The Dallas Morning News, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Austin Chronicle, San Antonio Express-News, Beaumont Enterprise, Wichita Falls Times Record News and El Paso Times.

In their endorsements, the papers have praised Van de Putte’s leadership ability and commitment to her constituents. They’ve also stressed that she’s the only one who will work across party lines with colleagues in the Texas Senate, unlike her opponent, Republican Dan Patrick.

Said the Corpus Christi Caller-Times:

“Van de Putte is the most deserving Democrat in any race we’ve examined this cycle. Her colleagues in the majority-Republican Senate respect her and would welcome her leadership. And they’d be unlikely to do to her what has been rumored they would do to Patrick — change Senate rules to make the lieutenant governor less powerful.”

The Houston Chronicle praised her dedication to issues that matter to Texans:

Van de Putte as lieutenant governor can be trusted to focus not on divisive social issues but on the issues that matter to the great majority of Texans: their children’s education, transportation and infrastructure, among them.

The Austin American-Statesman similarly lauded Van de Putte’s understanding of the issues and her ability to collaborate:

“Throughout her political career, she has fought for public and higher education, women’s health care, equal pay for women and programs to help veterans and military families. She’s widely respected and liked by her colleagues.”

Here’s what the San Antonio Express-News had to say about Van De Putte (sensing a theme?):

Van de Putte’s record and campaign speak to concern about real things. Moreover, she is known for the kind of comity that it will take to solve the state’s problems — together.

The Dallas Morning News brought it all together with words of praise for Leticia Van de Putte’s overall vision of how to achieve a better Texas:

Van de Putte, 59, has consistently shown that she has sound, moderate ideas for governing and that she will work effectively with both parties…Most important, though, she understands that Austin’s politicians must work together for Texas to remain prosperous during difficult times.

The office of lieutenant governor is one of the most powerful in Texas, and Dan Patrick is a dangerous choice to fill that role. He’s an extremist on nearly every issue from immigration to women’s health–he’s even seriously said that God speaks to us through the TV show “Duck Dynasty.” Moreover, he’s promised to put partisan politics above working for Texans in the state senate, making it a priority to refuse to work with Democrats.

It has long been evident that Leticia Van de Putte is the best choice for lieutenant governor. Every major newspaper in Texas agrees. Now it’s up to Texans to take that advice to the polls and vote for a better Texas.

About Author

Katie Singh

Katie grew up in Austin and has been involved in Texas politics since 2004. She has been a part of several campaigns, from state house races to working at President Obama's campaign headquarters in 2012. She loves public policy, public health, and tacos. Katie tweets from @kasingh19.

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