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‘Calibration error’ changes GOP votes to Dem in Illinois county

Fox News | Early voting in Illinois got off to a rocky start Monday, as votes being cast for Republican candidates were transformed into votes for Democrats.

Call the Suicide Prevention Hotline — Get Killed by a SWAT Team

William Norman Grigg | Eyewitness Ron Smith told the Standard-Examiner that he heard “one shot, and then a pause, and then four or five shots after that, that were very rapid.”

The BBC is Using Anti-Terror Surveillance to Find Tax Dodgers

Michael Krieger | The BBC is using laws designed to catch terrorists and organized crime networks to track down people who dodge the license fee.

Canadian Terror Wave a Modern-Day Gladio

Tony Cartalucci | Canada’s Attacks Were Predictable – Western Security Agencies are Prime Suspects.

Weather Channel Co-Founder: Efforts to Prove Global Warming Have ‘Failed’

Truth Revolt | “Efforts to prove the theory that carbon dioxide is a significant greenhouse gas and pollutant causing significant warming or weather effects have failed.”

Low Inflation? The Price Of Ground Beef Has Risen 17 Percent Over The Past Year

Michael Snyder | Thanks to the Federal Reserve, the middle class is slowly being suffocated by rising food prices.

Canadian PM Draws Fire For Reportedly Drinking Wine During Ottawa Shooting Briefing

Kit Daniels | Why would head of state drink wine during a crisis?

Drivers Subjected to Mandatory Vehicle Searches Following Canadian Shooting

Mikael Thalen | Checkpoints used on all bridges exiting Ottawa.

Weird “Government” Website Predicts Total Collapse of America by 2025

Paul Joseph Watson | U.S. to crumble as superpower, population decimated.

Dad’s Petition Seeks To Ban Artificial Turf Sports Fields Over Reported Link to Cancer

Adan Salazar | Recycled tires used to make fields known to contain harmful carcinogens.

  • Democrats Brace
    For Losses

On this Wednesday, October 22 edition of the Alex Jones Show, David Knight unveils the impact the upcoming election could have on America, especially as Democrats brace for huge losses, including control of the U.S. Senate. Alex breaks down the latest developments of Ebola and victory in human health as the public begins to reject fast food. Anthony Gucciardi also covers other critical developments in health news. Additionally, a U.S. Border Agent says his department is not ready to guard the border from illegal immigrants who are infected with Ebola. Joining the show to break down this revelation is Dr. Francis Boyle, a professor of international law at the University of Illinois who drafted the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 and is also an expert on foreign policy.


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