
Money Bomb For Wendy Davis

Posted in Around The State, Election 2014 at 8:52 am by wcnews

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Early voting starts on Monday, October 20th. There is also news of a record number of registered voters in Texas this year, 14 million.

There are clear differences between the candidates for Texas Governor in 2014.  Dave McNeeley points them out in his most recent column.

She’s for a $10.10 minimum wage. He’s against it.

She’s for mandated equal pay for women for equal work. He’s against it.

She’s for Texas expanding Medicaid, which the feds would pay for, would insure more than a million additional people and create 300,000 jobs. He’s against it.

She believes a woman in the early stages of pregnancy should be able to decide with her doctor and family whether to terminate the pregnancy. Abbott thinks pregnancies should not be terminated, even in cases involving rape and incest.

Texans at least certainly have a choice.

It takes money to run for office and win. If you believe in Davis and her candidacy for governor give what you can.

As has been said here many times the only way Davis and many other Democrats can win in Texas is by changing who shows up to vote on election day. It looks like the work of registering new voters has been done. The next step is harder turning these new voters out, along with many who don’t usually vote, and those who don’t usually vote in the mid-term elections.

AN effective GOTV effort is not cheap, so please help out if you can.

Be sure and check out Kuff and PDiddie on the money bomb.  And use the hashtag #GiveToWendy.

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