  • Harper's Magazine just featured the WGBH campaign! Just in time for the 2014 Rally for a Koch-Free WGBH in Boston on October 1st—which will show just how strong the campaign has become. RSVP here!
  • BREAKING: After unrelenting pressure from climate activists, Google announced it dumped ALEC for spreading lies about climate change! This is a major victory, and it comes on the heels of the historic People's Climate March. It's proof that companies are listening to us.
  • Jon Stewart just slammed climate deniers — but that was hardly the first time late night TV took them on. Check out Late Night TV's Top Five Moments in Climate Denial Busting.
  • A science museum in Texas features exhibits on fossil fuel extraction, but almost entirely omits information on climate science. Let's empower the Perot Museum to educate the public on climate change — take action now!
  • The mining industry launched blatantly false ads attacking the EPA's proposed regulations on power plant emissions — and, in violation of FCC rules, 23 radio stations across the country are playing it. Tell the FCC to take action now!
  • "Cosmos" host Neil deGrasse Tyson is debunking myths denying climate change and making the science accessible to the public. Sign to give a big thank you to Dr. Tyson — and for every 1,000 signatures, we'll send a "Cosmos" DVD set to a science student in need!
  • Wheel of Fortune host Pat Sajak is using his celebrity platform to broadcast morally and factually wrong climate change denial. Tell Sony Pictures: Fire Pat Sajak!
  • We protested outside of Google's annual shareholder meeting to expose Google's dirty ties to the climate-denying, renewable energy-killing American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). Check out a video of the rally here—and share widely!
  • Forecast the Facts crashed PBS's annual meeting to bring our message directly to WGBH: David Koch does not belong on your Board of Trustees. Watch and share to spread the word on the Koch-Free WGBH Campaign!
  • Google—a dues-paying member of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)—supports ALEC's attacks on real people and companies in the solar industry, like Steve's in Oklahoma. Check out Steve's story and sign the petition to stand with him as he tells Google CEO Larry Page: Drop ALEC!
  • Fox & Friends refused to let Michael Moyer, an editor at Scientific American, talk climate change on air—and when Moyer wrote about the censorship, they called him a "scientific coward." Sign the petition to bring Moyer back on Fox & Friends to talk climate!
  • President Obama is rolling out the National Climate Assessment with meteorologists who have made the connections between weather and climate change. Watch, share, and use our Weather Caster Watch tool to contact your local meteorologists to forecast the facts!
  • BREAKING: Divest Harvard students are risking arrest in a bold blockade for fossil fuel divestment at Harvard. Stand in solidarity with these brave students — sign and share the petition to help them reach their goal of 50,000 signatures!
  • Ten universities have already divested from fossil fuels, and with your help, Harvard will be next! Harvard faculty and students are pushing hard for divestment—sign the pledge of solidarity today!
  • In March, Wyoming became the first state to reject Next Generation Science Standards. Why? Because NGSS includes basic climate science, which Wyoming lawmakers deny. The Board of Education will vote on whether to adopt the standards on April 11 — send them a letter now!
  • Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) has accepted over $549,265 in political contributions from gas and oil companies, and now he and other deniers in the Senate are distorting climate science and attacking Obama's EPA nominee. Take action and tell Sessions: Don't tie up EPA hearings.
  • Nate Silver just launched FiveThirtyEight, a data-driven news site. Who did he hire as a science writer? Climate change contrarian Roger Pielke. Sign the petition and tell Silver: Pielke needs to go.
  • Climate change deniers say expediting gas exports to Europe will undermine Russia's energy monopoly — but this plan would both fail to diffuse the crisis and have catastrophic impacts on the climate. Tell Obama: Say no to drilling diplomacy.
  • On Tuesday, March 11, two of the country's leading experts on the connections between drought and climate change joined us for a #ClimateChanged Salon to shed light on the historic California drought. Watch the recording here, and stay tuned for more #ClimateChanged Salons.
  • On February 20, we delivered a 110,000-signature petition to The Washington Post, telling the editors to refuse to print lies on climate change—and that same day, the Post published lies on climate change. Check out our fact-check of the "The myth of 'settled science'" by columnist Charles Krauthammer.
  • Over 40 activists came together at Google's headquarters on February 18 to protest Google's funding of climate deniers like ALEC. Sign the petition to tell Google: don't fund evil!
  • It's Valentine's Day! Time to thank the fearless, hard-working people who make climate change activism possible: climate scientists. Sign the climate love letter today to tell scientists why you appreciate them.
  • Rush Limbaugh denied the science behind the polar vortex—but NBC weathercaster Al Roker wouldn’t stand for it. Watch Roker tell science skeptics to “stuff it” and then sign the petition to thank him for taking a stand against climate change denial.
  • "Cleantech Crash," a recent segment by 60 Minutes, has misled viewers and posed a real threat to much-needed clean energy technology. 60 Minutes should appoint a Public Editor to immediately investigate the broadcast and ensure all future reporting serves the public interest—sign the petition today!
  • David Koch, a trustee at Boston's PBS affiliate, WGBH, puts our planet at risk with his pollution and climate denial funding. Support our efforts to expose Koch's denial like it's never been exposed before: by putting his face on bus stops across Boston.
  • The Koch brothers are big donors to Suffolk University, where the Beacon Hill Institute—the conservative research arm of Suffolk's economics department—has designed a research proposal to kill a major climate initiative. Tell Suffolk University: stop accepting the Kochs' dirty donations.
  • Today, over 225,000 members and supporters of Forecast the Facts, the Sierra Club, RootsAction, SumOfUs, and the Center for Media and Democracy urged Google to end its alliance with the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC).
  • Even in the midst of devastating climate disasters, over 50% of CNBC’s climate reporting still denies global warming. Support our efforts to expose CNBC’s reckless misinformation in the place the network values most: Wall Street.
  • A decade ago, Harvard banned Big Tobacco funding for their medical research—but today, Harvard still allows major polluters to fund climate denial. Tell Harvard: end the conflict of interest and reject all fossil fuel funding for climate research.
  • Shortly after the catastrophic “Hellstorm” Haiyan made landfall in his hometown of Tacloban, Philippines’ delegate Naderev Saño went on hunger strike to demand that delegates at the UN’s Climate Change Conference make a global resolution to combat climate change. Sign our petition to support Saño’s courageous call for action.
  • To mark the one-year anniversary of Superstorm Sandy, Forecast the Facts is taking on the influence of New York City's richest man, carbon billionaire and climate denier David H. Koch. RSVP or watch the webcast to join climate activists, financial experts, and concerned New Yorkers to discuss how to clean up Wall Street at our October 27 forum.
  • The L.A. Times refuses to publish letters that deny manmade climate change, and we’re challenging the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, and USA Today to follow suit. Sign the petition to tell the editors: end climate denial in your newspapers.
  • ALERT: Google has joined one of the worst climate-denier groups in the world: the fossil-funded American Legislative Exchange Counsel (ALEC), which argues that global warming is good for America and fights to kill renewable energy standards. Sign our petition to tell Google: live up to your corporate values and don't fund evil.
  • Who is writing the official study for the U.S. State Department on the environmental impact of the Keystone XL? Environmental Resources Management, a firm that lied to the government about its close ties to the owners of Keystone XL, TransCanada, and other Big Oil companies. Tell Secretary of State John Kerry: fire ERM!
  • We're mobilizing to kick the climate-denying, union-busting, tea-party-starting David Koch off the board of Boston's PBS affiliate, WGBH. Think you can help? Fill out our survey and we'll get in touch with you on how you can help make WGBH Koch-free.
  • Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon.com, just bought The Washington Post, and he's looking to make big changes that could revolutionize the newspaper industry. Click here to tell Bezos to make climate coverage a top priority and commit to reporting the facts on climate.
  • Today, Google is releasing their new Moto X phone, a product critical to Google's image. Click here to help hijack the #MeetMotoX conversation to ensure millions of people know that Google’s smart phones are financing stupid politics.
  • Thanks to everyone who came out to protest Google's support of climate deniers at their Silicon Valley HQ and to everyone who called them! Google refused to accept our petition, but we're not giving up until they stop funding climate denial. If you haven't already, please sign the petition.
  • CNBC's Joe Kernen responded to our members on twitter by calling us alarmists and the "Eco Taliban". Tweet @CNBC and @JoeSquawk and let them know denying climate change hurts their viewers.
  • After funding the climate-denial group CEI, Google is hosting a fundraiser for top climate-denying Sen. Jim Inhofe this Thursday. Tell Google: Don't fund evil and come to protest the lunch in DC!
  • Over half of CNBC's climate coverage denies climate change, and Squawk Box host Joe Kernen has called climate science "a bona fide cult" on air. Tell CNBC: climate denial is bad for business!
  • Meteorologist Tony Pann at WBAL in Baltimore is dangerously misleading the public about climate change. Click here to tell WBAL to publicly correct Pann's misinformation.
  • Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) delivered an important message on the Senate floor: The threat of climate disaster doesn’t care whether you’re a Democrat or a Republican. Watch and share his powerful speech.
  • Our thoughts are with the victims of the Moore, Oklahoma tornado. As our pollution changes the weather, we bear an ever greater responsibility to care for the victims of major disasters. Help the victims by donating here.
  • MOMENTUM: Forecast the Facts' ad calling on the Tribune Company to not sell their newspapers to the climate-denialist Koch brothers was covered by The New York Times, The Huffington Post, and Chicago Business Journal. Help fund more ads here..
  • MONDAY DEADLINE: One of the top candidates for president of New Mexico State University is Garrey Carruthers, a former governor and climate-change denier who ran a tobacco-industry front group. Tell the Board of Regents: don't hire a climate change denier to run New Mexico State!
  • Forecast the Facts is working to run ads in Tribune-owned papers featuring the names of subscribers and readers who pledged to find other news sources if the Tribune sells to the Kochs. Donate to tell the Tribune Company directly that you want independent journalism—not right-wing spin.
  • After 46 years of groundbreaking research, landmark congressional testimony, and bold public statements, Dr. James Hansen has announced he will be retiring from NASA. Sign our card thanking Dr. Hansen for his courageous dedication to informing the public about the climate crisis.
  • The petrochemical billionaire Koch brothers are reportedly considering buying the LA Times, Chicago Tribune, among other major media outlets. Sign our petition to tell the Tribune Company not to sell their assets to free-spending climate change deniers Charles and David Koch.
  • Over 18,000 people have signed our petition urging Rep. Chris Stewart (R-UT) to work toward climate solutions. Constituents of Rep. Stewart visited a town hall and confronted Rep. Stewart on his recent statements denying climate change. Check out pictures from the event here .
  • The State Department released its draft environmental impact statement for the Keystone XL pipeline on Friday, March 1st. Amazingly, the draft statement found that that the pipeline would be safe from the impacts of climate change--impacts it will surely exacerbate. Share this stunning finding here!
  • After Superstorm Sandy survivors delivered our petition urging President Obama to outline a comprehensive plan on climate change in the State of the Union, Obama spoke about the climate crisis in his speech. But there is still more the president can do. Check out our scorecard here.
  • Yesterday, survivors of Superstorm Sandy went to the White House and delivered our petition urging President Obama to outline a comprehensive plan on climate change in tonight's State of the Union.
  • The massive blizzard that swept through the northeast last weekend is another reminder of the way that climate change is tilting our weather toward extremes. Join our campaign urging Obama to use his upcoming State of the Union to shape his climate legacy with a detailed climate plan.
  • After months of delay, the House of Representatives approved critical legislation to help the victims of Superstorm Sandy rebuild from the fossil-fueled disaster. See how your legislator voted here.
  • The House of Representatives is voting on critical legislation to help the victims of Superstorm Sandy rebuild from the fossil-fueled disaster. Click here to tell Congress to approve aid for Sandy victims immediately.
  • Too many leaders in Washington are fixated on the manufactured crisis of the fiscal cliff, while ignoring the very real threat to our future: the climate crisis. Over 14,000 people have called on Congress to stop ignoring the climate cliff. Speak out at Climatecliff.org!
  • Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) recently called out his climate change-denying colleagues for "crocodile tears" about the impact of debt on future generations, while ignoring the climate crisis. Watch Senator Whitehouse's floor speech here and tell Congress to stop ignoring the climate cliff!
  • The New York City Housing Authority has demanded full rent payments from their residents, many of whom are still recovering from Hurricane Sandy. Join us and our friends at Color of Change in telling NYCHA Chairman John Rhea to grant immediate rent relief.
  • As politicians in Washington obsess over the manufactured crisis posed by the "fiscal cliff," Forecast the Facts implores our leadership to address a much larger threat to our national well-being: the climate cliff.
  • Less than two months before sea level rise devastated New York City with more powerful storm surges, Governor Romney laughed at the very notion of rising seas. Check out our new ad, which reminds people that Mitt mocked climate impacts.
  • As Hurricane Sandy, a climate-fueled "Frankenstorm," devastates the Atlantic coast mere days before the presidential election, it is vital that President Obama and Governor Romney end their climate silence, and acknowledge climate change's role in this horrific disaster. Speak out here.
  • The presidential debates went by without a single mention of climate change- the first time that has happened since 1984. From local newspapers to the New York Times, media observers have taken note of the appalling climate silence in this election. Watch the shocking climate silence here.
  • Forecast the Facts has joined with Friends of the Earth Action to launch Climate Silence , a campaign urging the presidential candidates to present their plans to address the climate crisis. The New York Times , San Francisco Chronicle , and many others are writing about Climate Silence.
  • Responding to over 18,000 Forecast the Facts members, PBS ombudsman Michael Getler concludes that NewsHour "stumbled badly" with its recent climate change report! Click here to thank the Ombudsman for standing up for accurate climate coverage.
  • PBS' science reporter has called their Monday climate segment a "horrible horrible thing" There's still time to join us in calling for PBS' ombudsman to investigate whether the piece met their journalistic standards.
  • In response to heavy criticism for their program on Monday night featuring climate change denier Anthony Watts, PBS has issued a response defending the segment. Join us in calling for PBS' ombudsman to investigate whether the piece met their journalistic standards.
  • On Monday night, PBS NewsHour gave an unchecked platform for Heartland Institute-funded Anthony Watts' half-truths and conspiracy theories. Join us in calling on the ombudsman to investigate the segment for violations of PBS' standards for accuracy, integrity, and transparency.
  • We're heading to Boston for the AMS Annual Conference on Broadcast Meteorology. Read why this conference is so important here. And click here to tell your TV meteorologist to report accurate information about climate and weather.
  • The US is facing one of the worst droughts in its history, but Agriculture Secretary Vilsack has said he doesn't want to "opine" about climate change's role. Tell Secretary Vilsack to acknowledge the connection between climate and drought.
  • Catering to a group of real estate developers who deny climate change, North Carolina's General Assembly passed a four-year moratorium on the use of sea level rise projections in coastal planning.
  • Over $1 million has been eliminated from the Heartland Institute's 2012 budget! Join over 150,000 people in demanding that corporations stop funding Heartland's radical climate change denial. Click here to see which corporate supporters have dropped--and help pressure the rest to withdraw!
  • We are now calling on Pfizer and the entire health care industry to follow competitor Eli Lilly in withdrawing from the radical, climate change-denying Heartland Institute. Click here to see which corporate supporters have dropped and which remain--and help pressure the rest to withdraw!
  • State Farm Insurance has announced they will no longer support the climate change-denying Heartland Institute! They are joined by other major insurers, including RenaissanceRe, ABIR, XL Group, and Allied World Assurance. Help us keep the pressure on, sign our petition here.
  • Drink giant Diageo has announced it will cease funding the Heartland Institute! The Association of Bermuda Insurers and Reinsurers has also withdrawn support, calling their relationship with Heartland "untenable." Click here to keep the pressure on other Heartland supporters
  • On Friday, the Heartland Institute funded billboards likening those concerned about global warming with serial killers. Heartland has since pulled the billboards down, but they said, "We do not apologize for running the ad." Click here to tell corporations: funding Heartland's extremism is unacceptable.
  • On May 1st, we delivered over 10,000 petition signatures to Discovery, demanding that they recognize their error in censoring climate science out of their Frozen Planet finale, "On Thin Ice." Check out the Washington Post's coverage here, and pictures from the petition delivery here.
  • Discovery Channel is clearly feeling the heat, because now they are changing their story. An executive told the L.A. Times that they did not censor climate science for fear of criticism from deniers. That's the exact opposite of what the series producer told the New York Times on Friday.
  • The final episode of The Discovery Channel's "Frozen Planet" series deliberately avoided mentioning the science behind climate change. Tell the Discovery Channel: Self-Censorship is Unacceptable. Read more here.
  • VICTORY!!! GM has responded to the call from 20,000 Forecast the Facts members and pulled their support from the Heartland Institute. We've created a video to thank GM. It features another happy Volt owner, thanking GM for doing the right thing. Check it out here.
  • This is what happens when everyday people speak up: GM CEO Dan Akerson has now said he will review funding to Heartland. http://forecastthefacts.org/cwclub_flyer/
  • More than 10,000 GM owners and 20,000 total people are calling on GM to drop Heartland. Check out their powerful comments here. Read press coverage of the campaign in the Huffington Post, at Grist.org , and in the Miami Herald
  • Leaked documents recently revealed that the climate change-denying Heartland Institute receives funding from General Motors and other major corporations. Click here to tell GM: using taxpayer dollars to fund climate denial is wrong
  • Check out media coverage of the campaign in Reuters, the Huffington Post, Houston Chronicle, and the New York Times
  • While most agree that meteorologists shouldn't mislead the public, some have attacked our methods for addressing the problem. Here's our explanation of why we take the approach we do.
  • We brought the voices of over 11,000 supporters to the American Meteorological Society's conference. The AMS Council received our petition, but delayed a vote on their climate change statement.

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A recent study found that 27% of TV meteorologists call global warming a "scam," while over half deny that humans are the cause. Communities being devastated by increasingly severe weather deserve to know that there’s a culprit—a warming world and an increasingly unstable climate. This campaign aims to make sure that happens.

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