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The Opinion Pages

Daniel Haskett
Op-Ed Contributor

Finding Light in China’s Darkness

From the shadows I lift my pen to write. I search for love, goodness and a perpetually beating heart. comment icon Comments

Today's Editorials

The Democratic Panic

In hopes of preserving control of the United States Senate, Democratic candidates are keeping their distance from President Obama’s best policies, but that’s a risk. comment icon Comments

Op-Ed Columnist

Capitalism’s Suffocating Music

Corporate sponsors have turned every last place and personage into ads. comment icon Comments


Putin and the Pope

Two leaders with a lot of influence who matter in very different ways. comment icon Comments


Turkey’s New Kurdish Problem

Turkey finally acted in Kobani after weeks on the sidelines. But problems with the Kurds at home still fester.

Global Agenda 2013
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Some Good News on the Ebola Front

Nigeria and Senegal are free of the virus, and 43 people in Texas who had been monitored for 21 days have been cleared without any of them becoming sick.


(Only) Two Rules for a Good Diet

A powerful personal food policy doesn’t have to rely on corporate benevolence or the government getting things right — thank goodness. comment icon Comments


Would Stronger Parties Mean Less Polarization?

Diminishing the clout of Republican and Democratic leaders in favor of independent donors undermines the forces of moderation and compromise. comment icon Comments

Op-Ed Contributors

No Country for Human Rights

How can Azerbaijan act as host to Europe's guardians of freedom, even as it jails its own people?

Op-Ed Contributor

Brazilians Are Shocked, Shocked at Corruption!

We have the ability to be outraged by corner-cutting, while engaging in our own petty versions of it.

Op-Ed Contributors

The Building Blocks of a Good Pre-K

For 4-year-olds in school for the first time, play is serious work. comment icon Comments


The Power of Feeling Bad

Research suggests that in some contexts, negativity could make you better at your job.


‘Another Tea?’

At their monthly gatherings for tea, a group of Chilean women reflect on the past in a ritual that has held their friendships together for 60 years. comment icon Comments

Taking Note

Venezuela Does Not Deserve a Seat on the Security Council

The country has a dismal record on human rights and has cracked down on the political opposition.


What Are You Afraid Of?

A new survey reveals that Americans’ fears aren’t necessarily rational, and it could tell us something about what fear can and can’t do.

Taking Note

The Pentagon Will Look Into the Iraq Chemical Weapon Scandal, After All

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has asked his commanders to review the troops’ medical care and whether they were denied military awards.


On Its 20th Anniversary, Does ‘Pulp Fiction’ Hold Up?

The film “Pulp Fiction” set the movie world on fire in 1994. Has it continued to inspire moviegoers?

Room for Debate

A Chinese Rival to the World Bank

Should China build a new development bank, despite U.S. opposition?

Opinionator | Menagerie

Two Horses, One Language

What do we learn when we ride a fellow mammal who can read us at a deeper level than we can read ourselves?

Patrick Chappatte

Turkey’s Curious Ballet

Patrick Chappatte

Turkey is to allow Iraqi Kurds cross into Syria to fight Islamic State.

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Step One to Fighting Ebola? Start with Corruption

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