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Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Op-Ed Contributor

Young, Brilliant and Underfunded

We’ll never know what medical breakthroughs were missed because young scientists were not provided with resources.

Personal Health

Celiac Disease, a Common, but Elusive, Diagnosis

A main reason for a lag in the detection of celiac disease is the long and confusing list of signs and symptoms, some of which may be mild enough to be easily ignored or attributed to another condition.


The Woman’s Heart Attack

The research is based on men, whose clutching of the chest and sudden collapse bears little resemblance to the experience of most women.

A Doctor, a Rabbi and a Chicken

Of course it was fine to have a rabbi visit the hospital, I told my patient’s son. It was only as they were about to enter the room that I noticed that the rabbi was carrying a white chicken in his arms.

Donating the Body

He wanted his body given to a medical school or research organization. It wasn’t that simple.

Living With Cancer: Making Room

Cancer treatment and its aftereffects can prompt a cleaning binge and emptying of shelves. But for what, exactly, are we making room?

Your Surgeon Seems Qualified, but Can He Type?

My inability to type has become a funny, disarming moment in an otherwise usually serious encounter between surgeon and patient, helping to mitigate some of the tension that can develop.

Op-Ed Contributor

Punishment or Child Abuse?

Too many black parents believe beatings make kids better people.

The Weekly Health Quiz

In the news: Alzheimer’s disease, fecal pills and SIDS. Test your knowledge of this week’s health news.

Personal Health

Steering Clear of Poison Ivy

Simple precautions can prevent a nasty reaction from contact with poison ivy and related plants, which can harm even those who have had previous uneventful exposures.

Ask Well

Feeding Heavy and Thin Kids Together

How do you feed two children in a family when one is overweight and one is underweight?

Life, Interrupted: A Young Woman’s Battle With Cancer

Suleika Jaouad, a writer from Saratoga Springs, N.Y., is chronicling her experiences as a young adult with cancer.

From Opinion
Op-Ed Contributor

Pedophilia: A Disorder, Not a Crime

The focus of our laws should shift from punishment to treatment.


Editors' Picks

Lives Restored

People who are functioning normally despite severe mental illness.
