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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Business Day Economy

Last year, OneMain Financial’s profit increased 31 percent from 2012.
Karsten Moran for The New York Times

Last year, OneMain Financial’s profit increased 31 percent from 2012.

Lawmakers in several states have voted to increase the fees or the interest rates that lenders can charge on personal loans used by millions of poor or financially struggling borrowers.

It's the Economy

Can You Uber a Burger?

Illustration by Kelsey Dake

Surge-pricing comes to the restaurant industry.

The Upshot

When a Stock Market Theory Is Contagious

Is the world economy suffering from “secular stagnation”? True or false, the idea alone could keep hurting stock prices.

The Upshot

When Uber and Airbnb Meet the Real World

For a new wave of tech start-ups, the belief that problems could be solved by software, not people, was the first wrong assumption.

Special Section

Mutual Funds Report: Second Quarter

Mutual funds and E.T.F.s generally fared well in the second quarter, despite rumblings from global trouble spots and the Federal Reserve’s intention of reducing economic stimulus.

The Nation’s Economy, This Side of the Recession

In the five years since the United States began its slow climb out of the deepest recession since the 1930s, the job market has undergone a substantial makeover.

The Upshot
How the Recession Reshaped the Economy, in 255 Charts

Five years since the end of the Great Recession, the private sector has finally regained the nine million jobs it lost. But not all industries recovered equally.

Economic Scene

A Retreat From Weather Disasters

As the damages wrought by increasingly disruptive weather patterns have climbed around the world, the insurance industry seems to have quietly engaged in what looks a lot like a retreat.

Economic Scene

Tax Tactics Threaten Public Funds

If global corporations can continue to evade taxation, the burden of government financing could fall disproportionately on ordinary workers.

Economic Scene

The Benefits of Easing Climate Change

For all the fears that curbing carbon emissions will put the brakes on economic growth, it might actually enhance it.

High & Low Finance

Jobless Rate May Be a Flawed Indicator for Fed Policy

The Federal Reserve has used the unemployment rate to indicate whether monetary policy should be tightened, but at least one economist argues that unemployment alone doesn’t tell the whole story.

Yellen’s Path to the Pinnacle

Milestones in the career of Janet L. Yellen, President Obama’s choice to be chief of the Federal Reserve, including video recollections from friends and colleagues.

Special Features

Interactive Graphic: Is It Better to Buy or Rent?

The answer to the question depends on many factors. Compare the costs of buying and renting equivalent homes.

Market data provided by Reuters. Copyright 2009 Reuters.

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