The theme that IBM's profit performance relies as much on financial engineering as on computer engineering has been around since Louis V. Gerstner Jr. led the company in the 1990s.Credit Colin Braley/Reuters

The Nature of the IBM ‘Crisis’

The challenge for IBM today is very different from the crisis it faced in the 1990s. It is financially strong and more nimble, but there are echoes of the past. Read more…

With each corporate cloud computing proposition, including those from the likes of Google, whose Oregon data center is seen here, there appears to be an increasing trend toward offering more flexible applications driven by software.Credit Connie Zhou/Google

Coming of Age in Cloud Computing

Cloud computing, particularly in the big rental businesses of Microsoft and Amazon, has been criticized as undependable and tough to manage. A number of recent announcements suggest that some companies are trying to address the issue.Read more…

Ashkan Soltani testified before the Senate in 2011 about privacy concerns related to smartphones and tablets.Credit Philip Scott Andrews/The New York Times

F.T.C. Names Ashkan Soltani as Chief Technologist

The appointee, Ashkan Soltani, has worked as an investigative reporter for The Washington Post, co-writing some of the articles in that paper’s Pulitzer Prize-winning series stemming from the Edward Snowden revelations. Read more…

A breach at Staples follows a spate of cyberattacks on notable retailers in recent months, including Kmart and Home Depot.Credit Scott Olson/Getty Images

Staples Is Latest Retailer Hit by Hackers

The company said it was working with law enforcement agencies to determine the extent of the problem. It is one of many retailers and restaurant chains to be hit by hackers over the last year.Read more…

Microsoft’s chief executive, Satya Nadella, speaking Thursday at an event in San Francisco to advertise how far the company has come in the cloud business.Credit Robert Galbraith/Reuters

For Microsoft, Cloud Business Looks More Promising Than Mobile

Despite being a laggard in cloud computing, Microsoft has established real credibility, and now runs twice as many data centers as Amazon and six times as many as Google. Read more…

The Kindle edition of Anthony Doerr’s “All the Light We Cannot See,” Simon & Schuster best seller was discounted heavily on Amazon Monday.Credit Patricia Wall/The New York Times

Amazon Strikes Deal With Simon & Schuster

Amazon has reached a deal with Simon & Schuster, one of the Big Five publishers, while the retailer’s battle with another publisher, Hachette, grinds on. Read more…

Mark E. Zuckerberg, a principal founder of Facebook, has personally filed suit against the lawyers of Paul D. Ceglia, who claimed that he had made a deal with Mr. Zuckerberg for a stake in the company.Credit Chandan Khanna/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

Facebook Sues Lawyers for Pressing Dubious Ownership Case

The company says the former lawyers for Paul Ceglia, a New York man who claimed that Mark Zuckerberg had given him a large stake in Facebook, continued to argue his case despite knowledge that his evidence was fabricated.Read more…

Senator Patrick Leahy, left, chairman of the Judiciary committee, with Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, right, at a hearing on net neutrality last month.Credit Win Mcnamee/Getty Images

Senator Calls on Comcast to Extend Net Neutrality Pledge

Senator Patrick Leahy, the Vermont Democrat who chairs the Judiciary Committee, called on Comcast to commit to never allow so-called fast lanes, or paid prioritization, on its network, even beyond the expiration of a current promise to avoid the practice through 2018. Read more…

The archived Instagram profile of the artist Amalia Ulman, as captured by a new tool from Rhizome, a nonprofit organization affiliated with the New Museum.Credit

A Dynamic New Tool to Preserve the Friendsters of the Future

Rhizome, a New York nonprofit group dedicated to supporting and conserving digital art, has developed a prototype of a tool that records the immersive experience of a website or a social network.Read more…

Snapchat, a messaging service that is particularly popular among teenagers, has faced criticism regarding its promises of privacy.Credit Lionel Bonaventure/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

A Look Behind the Snapchat Photo Leak Claims

Three men who built a tool called Snapaved to store images from the messaging service have come forward to offer details of how a recent theft of thousands of private photos occurred. Read more…