EARTHblog » Nadia Steinzor

It’s definitely The Pits: new case study reveals lax waste management in PA

Nadia Steinzor's avatar
By Nadia Steinzor

September 29, 2014

For most of us, cleaning up after oneself is a basic guideline for living and working with others. Taking responsibility for the environmental costs of products is an emerging business concept. Then there’s the oil and gas industry—which prefers a “you deal with it instead” approach to waste management. The result? Tainted rivers downstream from wastewater treatment plants, earthquakes near injection wells, and radioactive drill cuttings in landfills. And then there are the giant pits where operators store millions of gallons of waste at a time.  

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Tagged with: fracking, pennsylvania, pennsylvania department of environmental protection

Out of sight is not out of mind: Gas storage risks in PA

Nadia Steinzor's avatar
By Nadia Steinzor

September 18, 2014

With the arrival of chilly nights in the Northeast, an annual debate begins over potential spikes in natural gas prices. It’s the season for operators to push pipeline expansion projects and to compare weather predictions with gas supply estimates.

Typically absent from the discussion are the impacts on residents who live near gas facilities—or in the case of gas storage, right on top of them. As Angel and Wayne Smith of Bedford County PA know all too well, this is a glaring and very troubling omission.

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