
Family Says Ebola No Longer Detectable In Nurse’s Body

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DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) - The family of the second Dallas nurse to be infected with the Ebola virus says she is “steadily regaining her strength and her spirits are high.”

Amber Vinson’s family issued a statement saying that as of Tuesday night, the virus is no longer detectable in her body. Vinson remains under treatment in Emory’s Serious Communicable Diseases Unit.

Vinson’s mother, Debra Berry, has been able to speak to her daughter in the past few hours.  Berry has not been cleared by health officials to be by her daughter’s side as she remains under observation for any Ebola symptoms.

Complete Coverage Of Ebola In North Texas

“Amber and our family are ecstatic to receive this latest report on her condition,” Mrs. Berry said. “We all know that further treatment will be necessary as Amber continues to regain strength, but these latest developments have truly answered prayers and bring our family one step closer to reuniting with her at home.”

According to the statement, “Amber is committed to continuing to work closely with the doctors at Emory and following their guidance until she has fully recovered.”

The family thanked everyone for their continued thoughts and prayers, as well as the staff at Emory and Texas Presbyterian Hospital Dallas for their support.

Vinson was transferred to Emory University Hospital in Atlanta last Wednesday to continue to receive treatment.  The next day, her colleague and fellow nurse Nina Pham was transferred to Bethesda, Maryland for ongoing treatment at the National Institutes of Health facility there.

Earlier Wednesday, Ohio officials said 164 people were being monitored for signs of Ebola after having contact or possible contact with Vinson  while she spent time there.  She traveled to her home state of Ohio before Pham contracted the virus.  Although Vinson reported a low-grade fever before flying back to Dallas from Cleveland, she was cleared by health officials to fly.

Both Vinson and Pham contracted Ebola while caring for Thomas Duncan while he was a patient at Texas Health Presbyterian.  Duncan was the first person to be diagnosed with Ebola on American soil and ultimately died from the disease.

This is a developing story. CBS 11 will have more information as we get it.

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