Excerpt from a childhood memory

“I am anxious to get back to my aunt and uncle, for I am sure they will worry about me. Can you help me find my way?”

The Munchkins and the Witch first looked at one another, and then at Dorothy, and then shook their heads.

“At the East, not far from here,” said one, “there is a great desert, and none could live to cross it.”

“It is the same at the South,” said another, “for I have been there and seen it. The South is the country of the Quadlings.”

Where I find my bliss

z7R1rjT6RhmZdqWbM5hg_R0001139Mauris vel felis at felis dictum laoreet. Etiam tempor dictum odio, blandit elementum ligula euismod a. Vivamus fermentum lorem vitae mauris euismod pretium. Cras varius, ipsum at pulvinar iaculis, velit lacus convallis urna, vel vulputate sapien diam et massa.

In et purus vitae magna ultricies egestas. Integer vulputate pellentesque nunc, sit amet commodo justo mollis sed! Pellentesque vel sem a magna convallis posuere ac vel ipsum. Quisque rutrum mollis sem in vestibulum. Cras viverra, sapien a commodo convallis, odio orci gravida sem, eget pellentesque leo est nec eros. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec vehicula faucibus posuere. Nunc id dignissim justo. Nunc fringilla rutrum facilisis. Aliquam sed elit et odio suscipit accumsan. Etiam aliquam venenatis fringilla? Proin at dolor sit posuere.


When this last task was accomplished it was noon, and the seamen went below to their dinner. Silence reigned over the before tumultuous but now deserted deck. An intense copper calm, like a universal yellow lotus, was more and more unfolding its noiseless measureless leaves upon the sea.

A short space elapsed, and up into this noiselessness came Ahab alone from his cabin. Taking a few turns on the quarter-deck, he paused to gaze over the side, then slowly getting into the main-chains he took Stubb’s long spade—still remaining there after the whale’s Decapitation—and striking it into the lower part of the half-suspended mass, placed its other end crutch-wise under one arm, and so stood leaning over with eyes attentively fixed on this head.

Examples of effective dialogue

“At high tide to-morrow morning,” answered the pilot.

“Ah!” said Mr. Fogg, without betraying any astonishment.

Passepartout, who heard what passed, would willingly have embraced the pilot, while Fix would have been glad to twist his neck.

“What is the steamer’s name?” asked Mr. Fogg.

“The Carnatic.”