DISH, Texas Health Survey

In 2009 EARTHWORKS’ Oil & Gas Accountability Project (OGAP) and the Town of DISH, Texas conducted a community health survey of area residents living amidst a mega-complex of compressor stations, pipelines and gas wells in the heart of the Barnett Shale gas play.

After years of state inaction, OGAP and our partners conduct a community-based health survey that compiled information on residents’ medical background, proximity to shale gas infrastructure, experience of odor events, and associated health symptoms.

The results showed 61% the health effects reported by the DISH community overlapped with the known health effects of toxic contaminants first revealed by an air quality study commissioned by the Town of DISH in order to assess emission levels surrounding oil and gas infrastructure.

Read the full publication.

View survey instrument.

Tagged with: texas, survey, public health, gas infrastructure, dish

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Methane is 86x worse for #climatechange than CO2. @BarackObama: it's time to regulate methane.
Demand climate action: @WhiteHouse @EPA #ActOnClimate, regulate methane from oil and gas.

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