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Archive for November, 2009

Read the signs


You don’t have to be Nostradamus to predict what happens to an area once a predatory industry decides it’s worth plundering. See the article about what Marcellus Shale Gas Drilling is doing to Hickory, Pennsylvania.

Here’s an except:

They say “fools rush in.” Are the good folks of Pennsylvania being caught unawares by all this? Will the citizens of New York State be the next to jeopardize their precious water resources? Whatever those answers are, they probably won’t be very long in coming.

Who wants to be next?

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Marcellus Shale Pipe Dreams

A region is discovering that the price of the economic boom from natural gas drilling may be irreversible environmental damage and residents’ peace of mind

A telling article by Rona Kobell in the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay’s “Bay Journal” describes the bitter disappointment of communities who’ve been duped by the illusion of the “Natural Gas Boom.”


When the natural gas companies descended on Pennsylvania’s Marcellus Shale two years ago, it felt like a Gold Rush. And everyone seemed to be hitting pay dirt…

But now, with nearly 700 Marcellus wells drilled throughout the state, the environmental costs of drilling are becoming clear… It has transformed some of the state’s most beautiful landscapes into industrial zones and brought hardship to some who thought it was their lifeline.

“The regular folk out here will never see the compensation they deserve, and their original water supply is forever gone,” Switzer said. “I’m never going to make any money on this. All I’ve lost is my soul.”

Read the entire “Bay Journal” article here.

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If you sign a gas lease…

If you want to know the real story, talk to people who have made the mistake that many are considering making now. Watch, for example:

Candace Mingins – Gas Drilling: Stories From the Front Line

“We had sold the land out from under our children and their children, and no amount of money is worth that.

“Unconventional gas drilling is a nasty business, and I venture to guess that there are hundreds, maybe thousands of lease landowner’s who as they learn what this new gas drilling entails wish that they had never signed.

“A contract between an individual and a multinational corporation is never on an even playing field.”

Link to the entire story

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