Amphibian Stage Productions - Fort Worth Theatre


Next up on the Main Stage

Fully Committed
October 30 – November 23, 2014





Sam Peliczowski mans the red-hot reservation line at Manhattan's number-one restaurant--and everyone wants a piece of him. Through the course of the evening, we meet Sam's father, a likeable guy from South Bend; the temperamental chef; Jean-Claude, the snooty Maitre D'; Naomi Campbell's annoying (but funny) assistant; and several powerful New York types, among many others. A hit in Amphibian’s 2005 ‘Phibs at the Modern Reading Series, Fully Committed returns to Amphibian, this time with set and costumes.

“Fully Committed creates more tension than a James Bond suspense caper, and it’s more thrilling than a high-wire circus act.” - The Advocate

“A tornado! The audience is in stitches from beginning to end,”
- The New York Daily News

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Next up in National Theatre Live

Wednesday, October 22
2PM and 7PM

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Wednesday, November 12
2PM and 7PM

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