22 October 2014

All stories for politics

  1. 9.14pm
    Iain Duncan Smith

    Universal credit timetable slips again

    DWP insists it remains on course to secure savings even though less than 15,000 claimants are currently on new benefits system
  2. Eamon de Valera

    In Scotland the old politics have crumbled, as they once did in Ireland | Martin Kettle

    Martin Kettle: In the recent referendum young voters opted for independence. As with Ireland in 1916, a new mood has taken hold and change seems inevitable
  3. State Opening of Parliament 2014

    The Guardian view on Lord Green: an ennoblement too far | Editorial

    Editorial: The MigrationWatch chair’s divisive views have been rewarded with a seat on the crossbenches. This was only possible because of a power-grab by David Cameron, which degrades the House of Lords
  4. 7.56pm
    locked computer keyboard

    Punished for writing a letter to the Guardian | @guardianletters

    Letters: A culture where staff are expected to keep their mouths shut and to toe the line would seem to permeate the whole of the civil service. HMRC found my husband guilty of ‘serious misconduct’ for contacting the press without permission
  5. 7.14pm
    George Osborne said he felt there was a very real chance for London to have an NFL team

    Chancellor George Osborne holds talks with NFL over London-based team

    Britain’s chancellor of the exchequer, George Osborne, has held talks with NFL officials and pledged government support for a London-based American Football team
  6. 6.43pm
    Trams in Manchester city centre

    Cameron hails plan to fast-track devolution for English cities

    Report from City Growth Commission says ‘devo met’ could be achieved on same timetable as devolved powers for Scotland
  7. 6.06pm

    Marbles at noon, ya boo sucks, and other assurances of cogent governance

    Huffs, puffs and bickering transform Prime Minister’s Questions into something like a drawn-out election campaign
  8. Matt Kenyon illustration on immigration

    Don’t dismiss public fears about migration as mere bigotry | John Harris

    John Harris: David Cameron’s angst over Ukip is pushing us towards an EU exit. We need a real debate on free movement
  9. 5.59pm
    Wind turbines at Scottish Power's Dun Law windfarm, south of Edinburgh.

    Ed Davey attacks coalition partners over pledge to end wind subsidies

    Energy secretary says ‘the party that takes wind off the table is reckless’ in an attack quickly dismissed by Tory minister
  10. 5.39pm
    London Mayor Boris Johnson

    Why Boris Johnson is not to be sniffed at | Peter Bradshaw

    Peter Bradshaw – Notebook: The London mayor and wannabe PM sugars the pill on his non-drugs past. What a relief, as cokeheads are always the bad guys
  11. Robert Iwaszkiewicz

    Nigel Farage needs a Polish rightwinger in his Euro group because money talks | Mark Wallace

    Mark Wallace: Robert Iwaszkiewicz helps Ukip’s European parliamentary group qualify for funding, so any indiscretions are forgotten
  12. 4.55pm
    David Cameron is taking PMQs

    Cameron and Miliband at PMQs: Politics Live blog

    Andrew Sparrow’s rolling coverage of all the day’s political developments as they happen, including David Cameron and Ed Miliband at PMQs
  13. 4.40pm
    Nicky Morgan

    Nicky Morgan told to clarify Ofsted’s powers to inspect academy chains

    Education secretary contradicts Sir Michael Wilshaw’s claim to MPs that watchdog is unable to inspect management of chains
  14. 4.21pm
    Ukip single Mike Read

    Ukip calypso song should be withdrawn, says repentant Mike Read

    Ex-Radio 1 DJ has apologised for ‘unintentionally causing offence’ with ditty he sang in Caribbean accent. By John Plunkett
  15. 3.55pm
    Tony Lynes, ministerial adviser and campaigner, who has died aged 85

    Tony Lynes obituary

    Scholar, political adviser and campaigner against poverty
  16. 3.46pm
    Mike Read

    Mike Read keeps it on the QT over Ukip calypso song U-turn | Media Monkey

    Media Monkey: The former Radio 1 presenter made no mention of the story during his BBC Radio Berkshire show
  17. 3.40pm
    EU flags on toothpicks lie on a table during a photo opp at a flag store in Vienna, Austria.

    Ukip's polarising effect: support for staying in the EU hits 23-year high

    A new poll by Ipsos MORI finds that 56% of Britons would vote to stay in the EU - the highest level of support since 1991
  18. 3.33pm
    Grayson Perry Rylan

    How Grayson Perry has revolutionised art on television

    Mark Lawson: The artist’s new series Who Are You? combines talkshow with art documentary, and even adds investigation to the mix. It’s a mould-breaking combination
  19. Fiona Woolf

    Fiona Woolf faces new questions from MPs over links with Lord Brittan

    MPs ‘not totally satisfied’ with answers given by head of inquiry into abuse as details of new contact emerge
  20. John Manzoni

    The new civil service boss needs a plan to stem the loss of specialist staff

    Chief executive John Manzoni needs to act quickly to ensure government keeps specialist skills, says Prospect’s Sue Ferns
  21. 3.04pm

    Why did the Sunday Mirror settle with Tory MP who complained to Ipso?

    Roy Greenslade is surprised by the settlement negotiated between a newspaper and a politician over a complaint to the press regulator

  22. 2.59pm
    Ed Miliband

    Cameron and Miliband clash over NHS performance in England and Wales

    Miliband says NHS in England is at breaking point while Cameron says Labour-controlled Welsh system is full of failures
  23. Rwanda's parliament is 57% women. Are quotas like this the answer to more female political participation?

    From barrier to enabler: how politics can help girls live up to their potential

    A shift in attitudes in political systems around the world is necessary to allow girls to fully participate in society, writes Shirin Rai
  24. 2.24pm
    Jon Snow

    Tory MP accuses Jon Snow of being a lefty who should think of retiring

    Philip Davies asked to leave Channel 4 News offices by Krishnan Guru-Murthy after heated exchange with veteran presenter. By John Plunkett
  25. 2.23pm
    David Cameron t

    David Cameron defends progress on bringing foreign criminals to justice

    PM faces criticism of NAO report showing one in six foreign offenders has absconded, including 58 dangerous individuals
  26. 1.22pm

    Lord Tebbit suggests young unemployed people should pull up ragwort

    Interactive Interactive

    Tebbit's letter in which he explains his idea for ragwort to Matt Shardlow, chief executive of the charity Buglife

  27. Emma Reynolds MP shadow housing minister

    Three ways to improve Labour's housing review

    Labour’s plan to increase housebuilding to 200,000 new homes a year needs more teeth if it is going to make a difference, says Hannah Fearn
  28. 1.15pm
    Norman Tebbit

    ‘Make young unemployed pull up ragwort for benefits,’ says Lord Tebbit

    Controversial remarks by former Tory minister also annoy environmentalists who bemoan decline in plant loved by bees
  29. 12.54pm
    Iain Duncan Smith, secretary of state for work and pensions. The universal credit scheme has been  plagued by delays and software problems.

    Duncan Smith: universal credit will generate £7bn in economic benefits

    Work and pensions secretary says scheme will bolster economy by allowing an extra 300,000 households to enter employment
  30. 12.32pm
    Ambulance at Welsh hospital

    Tory attacks on the Welsh NHS is look-over-there politics at its worst

    Owen Jones: First thoughts: The Conservatives and Daily Mail won’t let the facts get in the way of a good Labour NHS-bashing story. Expect plenty more
  31. Fiona Woolf

    Child abuse inquiry: Woolf pressed to quit over ‘dinner parties with Brittan’

    Abuse victims demand her resignation after it emerged that Tory peer, who was home secretary when abuse dossier went missing, is a neighbour
  32. The report by the National Audit Office piles pressure on the prime minister and home secretary to improve the monitoring of foreign offenders.

    UK government has ‘blood on its hands’ over failure to track foreign criminals

    Criticism from father of girl killed by Iraqi man comes as NAO report exposes failings in handling of foreign national offenders
  33. 11.00am
    Muslim convert Richard Dart

    My brother wanted to be a jihadi – and society is creating many more like him | Robb Leech

    Robb Leech: Extremism of any kind is a symptom of an unhealthy society and, in order to eradicate it, we should look to treat its cause
  34. 10.43am
    The Bank of England building on Threadneedle Street in the City of London.

    Bank of England committee voted 7-2 to keep interest rates steady

    Premature tightening in monetary policy could leave the UK vulnerable to shocks, say majority of MPC members in October
  35. 10.28am
    A child at a dental clinic

    Children as young as three suffering from severe tooth decay

    English health officials say schools and nurseries in areas where people are at high risk should help children brush their teeth
  36. 10.25am
    BBC Broadcasting house

    BBC trustee takes a leap of faith | Media Monkey

    Media Monkey: David Liddiment raised some eyebrows when he told a panel of MPs that many people haven’t heard of the trust but still care for the corporation
  37. 10.11am
    The Scottish parliament

    Scotland’s main parties to discuss further devolution at Smith commission

    SNP, Labour, Tories, Lib Dems and Greens have submitted individual proposals for extending further powers to Holyrood
  38. A prisoner holds his hand up at the window of a cell at  Norwich Prison

    Foreign prisoner data shows that tough talk is still just talk

    Theresa May’s reputation seems unfounded as numbers show no improvement in deportations during her Home Office reign
  39. 9.28am
    GPs' fund share 'lowest on record'

    Should GPs be paid £55 for each dementia diagnosis?

    Poll Poll

    Is NHS England's decision to introduce a payment to encourage improvement in the low demential diagnosis detection rate 'a distortion of good medical practice?'

  40. 8.11am
    Student and teacher with microscope in science class

    Nick Clegg says teachers should be free from ‘runaway train of bureaucracy’

    Deputy PM to solicit teachers’ groups for ways to help ease administrative workloads and focus on educating pupils
  41. 8.00am
  42. 7.50am
    Election poster

    Is Ukip winning on Facebook and Twitter?

    Frances Perraudin: Nigel Farage’s party has made a big impact on social media – but will that success translate into votes at election time?
  43. Lynemouth, Northumberland. Housing associations concern themselves with more than tenants basic need

    Why we should be shouting from the rooftops to defend housing associations

    Richard T Kelly: Councils should not be the sole focus of pre-election promises by politicians to build more affordable homes
  44. 7.00am
    The Colour of Justice at Tricycle theatre

    Richard Norton-Taylor: verbatim plays pack more punch than the papers

    In productions such as The Colour of Justice and Justifying War, Nicolas Kent and I aimed to create something with a much greater impact than journalism, writes Richard Norton-Taylor
  45. 5.59am
    Roadworks on M25

    RAC calls for higher investment in road maintenance

    RAC Foundation reports spending on road maintenance has dropped to £7.5bn in 2012 from £9.7bn in 2009
  46. 12.04am
    RAF Reaper unmanned drone

    UK should campaign for international ban on autonomous killer drones

    Fromer GCHQ boss says existing drone technology poses no ‘convincing ethical problems’ but there must be safeguards
  47. 12.02am
    David Cameron

    David Cameron cracks down on use of charities to fund terrorist organisations

    PM publishes draft legislation amid concerns about whether UK is doing enough to stop funding reaching Isis
  48. 12.01am
    Going to Manchester? An integrated transport system, similar to London’s Oyster scheme, could be created across Britain’s northern cities.

    Devo max and giving power to cities will boost UK productivity – thinktank

    Devolving tax and immigration decisions to metropolitan areas and fuller powers for Scotland could lift economy ‘by 5%’
  49. 12.01am
    Theresa May

    A sixth of foreign criminals absconded before being deported from UK

    Monitoring, arrest, prosecution and deportation of foreign-national offenders is failing, says spending watchdog

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