A real climate action plan means no #fracking - add your name today!
URGE CLIMATE ACTION NOW: http://bit.ly/1uzL5IU

Last month, Environmental Advocates was proudly part of the largest #climate march in history. Now, we're leading efforts urging Governor Andrew Cuomo to develop a comprehensive climate acton ...plan. He's made the pledge to reduce climate-altering carbon emissions 80% by 2050 - we need his plan to make it happen.

JOIN THE MOVEMENT to make New York the national climate action leader by signing our petition today: http://bit.ly/1uzL5IU
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Photo: URGE CLIMATE ACTION NOW: http://bit.ly/1uzL5IU

Last month, Environmental Advocates was proudly part of the largest #climate march in history. Now, we're leading efforts urging Governor Andrew Cuomo to develop a comprehensive climate acton plan. He's made the pledge to reduce climate-altering carbon emissions 80% by 2050 - we need his plan to make it happen.

JOIN THE MOVEMENT to make New York the national climate action leader by signing our petition today: http://bit.ly/1uzL5IU
"A federal water study commissioned by the Cuomo administration as it weighed a key decision on fracking was edited and delayed by state officials before it was published, a Capital review has found."

READ MORE: http://bit.ly/1uOKwA7
Who needs #fracking when New York has so much potential for clean, renewable energy?!?
WOW - SOME GOOD NEWS TO SHARE! Another $88 MILLION has been raised from polluters in order to set us on the path to a cleaner energy future! http://bit.ly/WoOJeN

We've been hard at work supporting the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RG...GI) since its inception in 2008. RGGI puts a cap on power plant carbon emissions, simultaneously raising money to reinvest back into energy efficiency projects, as well as solar, wind and more. Every single county in the state has benefited from RGGI.

And now, RGGI's incredible work will do even more as an amazing $88 MILLION was raised this week from polluters!

If you'd like to know more about RGGI and how it's benefited your region, CHECK OUT our 2013 report: http://bit.ly/1i3Hcsk
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Photo: WOW - SOME GOOD NEWS TO SHARE! Another $88 MILLION has been raised from polluters in order to set us on the path to a cleaner energy future! http://bit.ly/WoOJeN

We've been hard at work supporting the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) since its inception in 2008. RGGI puts a cap on power plant carbon emissions, simultaneously raising money to reinvest back into energy efficiency projects, as well as solar, wind and more. Every single county in the state has benefited from RGGI.

And now, RGGI's incredible work will do even more as an amazing $88 MILLION was raised this week from polluters! 

If you'd like to know more about RGGI and how it's benefited your region, CHECK OUT our 2013 report: http://bit.ly/1i3Hcsk
State Senator Liz Krueger has a great anti #fracking OPED in today's NY Daily News that can be found here: http://bit.ly/1vIFFke
Photo: State Senator Liz Krueger has a great anti #fracking OPED in today's NY Daily News that can be found here: http://bit.ly/1vIFFke
BREAKING: A MAJORITY of New Yorkers who could be impacted by #fracking, oppose it!

"We've seen these results for years now that people in the areas that would be most affected by the impacts of hydraulic fracturing are opposed and that se...ems to be growing," said Elizabeth Moran, water and natural resources associate for Environmental Advocates of New York.

"We've seen that with other states that have rushed ahead with hydrofracking. The water is polluted, the economic impacts have not been beneficial and peoples' public health is suffering."

READ MORE: http://bit.ly/1o8jRK3
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Photo: BREAKING: A MAJORITY of New Yorkers who could be impacted by #fracking, oppose it! 

"We've seen these results for years now that people in the areas that would be most affected by the impacts of hydraulic fracturing are opposed and that seems to be growing," said Elizabeth Moran, water and natural resources associate for Environmental Advocates of New York.

"We've seen that with other states that have rushed ahead with hydrofracking. The water is polluted, the economic impacts have not been beneficial and peoples' public health is suffering."

READ MORE: http://bit.ly/1o8jRK3
ACT NOW: http://bit.ly/TB2plX

The #fracking industry has spent millions to bully New York into drilling. While Governor Andrew Cuomo has promised to follow the science, the only way to ensure that is with an official moratorium.

Your state legislators leave Albany for the year in just ONE WEEK - write them now and tell them to protect our health and environment by passing a fracking moratorium: http://bit.ly/TB2plX
Photo: ACT NOW: http://bit.ly/TB2plX

The #fracking industry has spent millions to bully New York into drilling. While Governor Andrew Cuomo has promised to follow the science, the only way to ensure that is with an official moratorium. 

Your state legislators leave Albany for the year in just ONE WEEK - write them now and tell them to protect our health and environment by passing a fracking moratorium: http://bit.ly/TB2plX
ACT NOW: http://bit.ly/TB2plX

The #fracking industry has spent millions to bully New York into drilling. While Governor Andrew Cuomo has promised to follow the science, the only way to ensure that is with an official moratorium.

Your state legislators leave Albany for the year in just ONE WEEK - write them now and tell them to protect our health and environment by passing a fracking moratorium: http://bit.ly/TB2plX
Photo: ACT NOW: http://bit.ly/TB2plX

The #fracking industry has spent millions to bully New York into drilling. While Governor Andrew Cuomo has promised to follow the science, the only way to ensure that is with an official moratorium. 

Your state legislators leave Albany for the year in just ONE WEEK - write them now and tell them to protect our health and environment by passing a fracking moratorium: http://bit.ly/TB2plX
ACT NOW to protect against #fracking in NYS: http://bit.ly/TB2plX

New York state legislators (the people you hired to represent you) will leave Albany for the year NEXT WEEK! Are you OK with them leaving WITHOUT passing a #fracking moratorium? Take two minutes and tell them to act right now: http://bit.ly/TB2plX
Photo: ACT NOW to protect against #fracking in NYS: http://bit.ly/TB2plX

New York state legislators (the people you hired to represent you) will leave Albany for the year NEXT WEEK! Are you OK with them leaving WITHOUT passing a #fracking moratorium? Take two minutes and tell them to act right now: http://bit.ly/TB2plX
New York state legislators will leave Albany for the year in less than TWO WEEKS. Are you OK with them leaving WITHOUT passing a #fracking moratorium? Take two minutes and tell them to act right now: http://bit.ly/TB2plX
Photo: New York state legislators will leave Albany for the year in less than TWO WEEKS. Are you OK with them leaving WITHOUT passing a #fracking moratorium? Take two minutes and tell them to act right now: http://bit.ly/TB2plX
LIKE and SHARE if you want the legislature to pass a #fracking moratorium. New Yorkers are making calls today demanding action. Join in and let your voice be heard!
Photo: LIKE and SHARE if you want the legislature to pass a #fracking moratorium. New Yorkers are making calls today demanding action. Join in and let your voice be heard!
Get ready, folks! Next week, several organizations will be urging people to call and email Governor Andrew Cuomo and state legislators to get action on the #fracking moratorium which is stalled in BOTH houses of the legislature right now. More information to come soon!
RSVP ONLINE @ http://tinyurl.com/EarthDayAlbany

Make a difference for New York’s environment and public health by registering for the 24th annual Earth Day Lobby Day on Monday, May 5th at the state Capitol in Albany!

Join hundreds of citi...zens to advocate for laws that will help make New York a national green leader.

The morning program will include issue briefings, legislative speakers, and a musical tribute to folksinger/activist Pete Seeger. In the afternoon we will divide up into teams to meet with state legislators.

The items for which we will be advocating include, but are not limited to:
-Fracking Moratorium
-Child Safe Products Act
-Climate Change
-Toxic Waste Cleanups
-GMO Food Labeling
See More
Photo: RSVP ONLINE @ http://tinyurl.com/EarthDayAlbany

Make a difference for New York’s environment and public health by registering for the 24th annual Earth Day Lobby Day on Monday, May 5th at the state Capitol in Albany!

Join hundreds of citizens to advocate for laws that will help make New York a national green leader.

The morning program will include issue briefings, legislative speakers, and a musical tribute to folksinger/activist Pete Seeger. In the afternoon we will divide up into teams to meet with state legislators.

The items for which we will be advocating include, but are not limited to: 
-Fracking Moratorium
-Child Safe Products Act
-Climate Change
-Toxic Waste Cleanups
-GMO Food Labeling