Serve Communities

Mine tour tripWhen the oil and gas or mining industry shows up in a community, citizens and local governments are often caught off guard. 

In these hard economic times, promises of jobs, huge lease bonuses or taxes to fund local government coffers can sound extremely appealing.

But the reality of development is often quite different.  And citizens and local governments are too often left wishing they had done more to protect their land, environment, health and communities -- starting from the moment the industry first arrived. 

Earthworks works with citizens and communities to help them

To find your local Earthworks contact click here, or email us at

Earthworks initiatives to serve communities

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New Report: #fracking fluids with benzene 10 - 50 times the highest concentrations found in diesel fuels.
Methane is 86x worse for #climatechange than CO2. @BarackObama: it's time to regulate methane.

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