
Hydraulic fracturing, colloquially called fracking, is the process of extracting natural gas from shale using high pressure jets of fluid. Fracking has been getting loads of negative press for the past several years from environmental groups and individuals and families who live in areas where natural gas extraction is happening. While natural gas has been touted as a cheap fuel that can help the U.S. reduce dependency on oil from other countries, the people who live in areas where natural gas is harvested have noticed some serious negative side effects that appear to be associated with fracking. Some of the environmental consequences that have been seen in areas with fracking are:

  • Polluted, undrinkable water in areas surrounding hydraulic fracturing zones.
  • Infertile or unproductive farmland surrounding fracked areas.
  • Polluted air that causes headaches and other medical issues for people living in fracked areas.

Oil and gas companies argue that they have not caused these issues, while environmental groups and citizens in heavily fracked areas demand restitution for the damage to their health and land. There is research to corroborate both sides of the argument, but the conflict is almost certain to continue getting more heated until conclusive evidence is produced by either side. Either way, this is an issue that affects everyone, since it directly impacts our energy supply and the environment from which we draw all natural resources.

    Fracking Blogs

    These blogs cover fracking news and views in various regions, mostly from a pro-environment perspective.

  1. The Hydraulic Fracking Blog

    The Hydraulic Fracking Blog

    The Hydraulic Fracking Blog is managed by a shale and hydraulic fracturing task force and explains the most comprehensive methods to combatting the increased refining of oil from shale.    

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  2. Shale Reporter

    Shale Reporter

    Featuring innovative posts that explicate fracking issues extensively, Shale Reporter also comments on the issues at hand and details the drilling and politics related to the Marcellus Shale and its surrounding area.    

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  3. No Fracking Way

    No Fracking Way

    No Fracking Way emphasizes a commitment to local communities by articulating the most important issues surrounding why fracking is so harmful for communities.    

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  4. Fracking Insider

    Fracking Insider

    Fracking Insider is an integral source of fracking developments related to federal policies and regulatory developments. The site is a great place to read up on where fracking is heading nationally.    

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  5. Think Before You Frack

    Think Before You Frack

    Think Before You Frack urges those involved in natural gas extraction to reconsider fracking practices before beginning and prolong the stability of our environment.    

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  6. Natural Gas Watch

    Natural Gas Watch

    Natural Gas Watch is an important site for showing the various reasons that fracking should be banned and has useful information on natural gas leaks and the injuries associated with them.    

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  7. Hydrofracking News

    Hydrofracking News

    Hydrofracking News highlights the dangerous implications of hydraulic fracturing and what can be done to prevent further damage. The site also features an impressive selection of resources.      
  8. Energy Action Coalition

    Energy Action Coalition

    Energy Action Coalition’s Fracking page is colorful, engaging, and works to mobilize others to combat fracking as it plagues communities. The site’s innovative timeline shows the developments of green movements nationally as well.    

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  9. Climate Connections

    Climate Connections

    Climate Connections has useful posts on fracking and expands the scope of their content to look at global issues. It’s a great way to frame the most important issues being faced regarding the environment and necessary efforts across the globe.    

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  10. Bluedaze Drilling Reform

    Bluedaze Drilling Reform

    Bluedaze Drilling Reform looks at issues in Texas related to fracking and helps show individuals across the state what can be done to prevent lands from being polluted by this destructive practice.    

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  11. Fracking Underground

    Fracking Underground

    Fracking Underground chronicles spills and other unfortunate consequences of fracking. The importance of the site to give a coherent voice to fracking issues today is impressive.      
  12. The Marcellus Effect

    The Marcellus Effect

    The Marcellus Effect tries to paint a thorough picture of the dire consequences related to hydraulic fracturing. The blog is run by an active member of the Society of Environmental Journalists, so makes a great source for understanding the harmful effects of fracking.      
  13. Athens County Fracking Action Network

    Athens County Fracking Action Network

    Athens County Fracking Action Network depicts the problems faced by eastern Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia due to fracking practices. Additionally, it emphasizes why fracking is so particularly harmful to Athens, Ohio and the surrounding areas.      
  14. Beginning

    Organizations Against Fracking

    Organizations have sprung up all over the U.S. to conduct research into the side-effects of fracking, and to ban or reduce the practice permanently, or at least until more provably safe methods have been developed.

  15. Americans Against Fracking

    Americans Against Fracking

    Americans Against Fracking is a nationwide organization that has a refined message against fracking and explains how to get involved locally. The site breaks down state organizations and has an in-depth section on need-to-know facts about fracking.    

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  16. VPIRG


    VPIRG highlights all of the dangerous practices and implications of fracking, along with businesses and other individuals that are opposed to it. The members of this organization show the most useful ways to voice opposition to fracking.    

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  17. Frack Free Denton

    Frack Free Denton

    Frack Free Denton is an initiative of the Denton Drilling Awareness Group and is a non-profit committed to helping others become cognizant of the hazards associated with this harmful practice. The site has a useful section that details fracking in Denton extensively and explains why they’re so passionate about getting it banned.    

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  18. Gas Free Seneca

    Gas Free Seneca

    Formed in 2011, Gas Free Seneca started out as a small group of concerned citizens aiming to ensure Seneca Lake and the area surrounding it remains environmentally stable. The group has grown tremendously throughout the years, now composed of businesses and far-reaching supporters of safer environmental practices.    

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  19. Tour de FRACK

    Tour de FRACK

    Tour de FRACK unites individuals from across the country to go on a bike ride from western Pennsylvania to Washington DC. The idea is to take to the streets and raise greater awareness about the hazards of fracking, particularly on Pennsylvania.    

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  20. Protect Our Colorado

    Protect Our Colorado

    Protect Our Colorado gives a significant voice to individuals against fracking throughout the state. The page is loaded with useful research information as well.    

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  21. Ban Michigan Fracking

    Ban Michigan Fracking

    Ban Michigan Fracking outlines the sensibility related to stopping fracking and features a regularly updated blog that is loaded with useful information. The site is loaded with useful events as well.      
  22. Frack Free Nevada

    Frack Free Nevada

    Frack Free Nevada is a statewide organization that emphasizes the urgency for developing a vocal opposition to fracking across Nevada. Complete with a gallery, resources, and the latest news, it’s sure to help anyone in the state understand how to help.      
  23. has over 2000 photos, a wealth of firsthand experiences, information on processing methods, and much more. This extensive resource presents all the information in an objective manner that still prompts the individual to make their own decision.      
  24. FaCT: Faith Communities Together for Frack Awareness

    FaCT: Faith Communities Together for Frack Awareness

    FaCR: Faith Communities Together for Frack Awareness is a coalition of church communities in three states that work together to explain how fracking harms God’s creation, thus making it imperative to bring it to an end. The site is loaded with useful ways to get further involved as well.      
  25. Southern Illinoisans Against Fracturing Our Environment

    Physicians, Scientists & Engineers for Healthy Energy

    Southern Illinoisans Against Fracturing Our Environment brings together individuals from the entire region to create push-back on fracking issues that are posed to damage lands and communities.      
  26. No Fracking in Stokes!

    No Fracking in Stokes!

    No Fracking in Stokes! brings greater awareness to community resistance to fracking practices in Stokes Country, North Carolina. Additionally, the site equips readers with information on the basics, research, and even how to get further involved.      
  27. New Yorkers Against Fracking

    New Yorkers Against Fracking

    New Yorkers Against Fracking shows how statewide individuals are opposed to the hazards related to fracking. It also has useful sections for working towards lasting change.    

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  28. Dangers of Fracking

    Dangers of Fracking

    Dangers of Fracking is a very engaging infographic that takes one through the process of hydraulic fracturing. The site conveys very worthwhile information, ultimately to outline how dire the situation is related to fracking.      
  29. Frack Free PA!

    Frack Free PA!

    Frack Free PA! is an extensive resource elaborating on the many reasons fracking should be outlawed. As Pennsylvania is one of the primary targets for fracking in America, its citizens are tasked with the burden to ensure their local environment is not destroyed.      
  30. TEDX (The Endocrine Disruption Exchange, Inc.)

    TEDX (The Endocrine Disruption Exchange, Inc.)

    The Endocrine Disruption Exchange is a very important website that explains health effects resulting from the chemicals and drilling used in hydraulic fracturing. The site looks at every aspect, including in the air and water supply.      
  31. Frack Free NC

    Frack Free NC

    Frack Free NC gives individuals in North Carolina a powerful voice to combat fracking in the communities they live in. The site equips readers with useful links to places to reach out to government officials.      
  32. empowers individuals to work towards the change they wish to bring about and their section on fracking is impressive as well. Each post has impressive depth related to the most important fracking issues of today.    

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  33. Frack Off

    Frack Off

    Frack Off is a UK-based site that looks at the detrimental environmental implications of fracking. From constantly updated news developments to quality blog posts, it’s a great place to see how residents of the United Kingdom can safeguard the environment.    

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  34. Frack Action

    Frack Action

    Frack Action shows individuals all the best ways to approach fracking in a way that helps effect real change. The site has all the latest news regarding fracking across the US.    

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  35. Artists Against Fracking

    Artists Against Fracking

    Artists Against Fracking is a collection of advertisements and vocalization of musicians, artists, actors, and other individuals against fracking. The site has a great list to view all of those who have vocalized resistance to this practice.    

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  36. Stop the Frack Attack

    Stop the Frack Attack

    Stop the Frack Attack shows how people are becoming increasingly vocal concerning the effects of fracking. The site is also designed with a wealth of informative material to educate others on how they can get involved.    

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  37. Let’s Ban Fracking

    Let's Ban Fracking

    Let’s Ban Fracking is an important organization based in the state of Michigan that articulates the necessity to eliminate the practice of hydraulic fracturing. Loaded with contemporary news and easy-to-understand resources, Michigan residents will be able to take full advantage of this site.    

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  38. Shaleshock Action Alliance

    Shaleshock Action Alliance

    Shaleshock Action Alliance is helping protect the Marcellus Shale by advocating on fracking issues locally. They partner with other anti-fracking organizations to make the most impactful messages.    

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  39. Arkansas Fracking

    Arkansas Fracking

    Arkansas Fracking aims to inform the public about the Fayetteville Shale and why it’s absolutely imperative to protect it and make sure fracking does not take place. The site shows the impact fracking on different environments and has the latest news.    

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  40. Nova Scotia Fracking Resource and Action Coalition (NOFRAC)

    Nova Scotia Fracking Resource and Action Coalition (NOFRAC)

    Nova Scotia Fracking Resource and Action Coalition shows what residents of the province are doing to eliminate fracking and make their communities safer. Lush with the latest reports, along with audio and video resources, the site is very informative.    

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  41. No Fracking Anytime

    No Fracking Anytime

    No Fracking Anytime details why enhanced regulatory measures will ultimately not be enough to prevent fracking damages and the posts on the site make it easier to understand.    

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  42. Jews Against Hydrofracking

    Jews Against Hydrofracking

    Jews Against Hydrofacking unites Jewish individuals who focus on the harmful impacts of fracking on the country and are committed to doing something about it. By invigorating the Jewish community to address these concerns, a significant number of individuals can be mobilized on these important issues.    

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  43. South Hills Area Against Dangerous Drilling

    South Hills Area Against Dangerous Drilling

    South Hills Area Against Dangerous Drilling was formed in 2011 and is an important component to addressing concerns related to fracking in this Pennsylvania region.    

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  44. The Marcellus Accountability Project for Tompkins County

    The Marcellus Accountability Project for Tompkins County

    The Marcellus Accountability Project for Tompkins County works around the clock to ensure that companies are held responsible for destroying land and water supplies through fracking. Additionally, the site makes it easier to see what land has already been leased for potential fracking.      
  45. FracFocus 2.0

    FracFocus 2.0

    FracFocus 2.0 is a national registry of fracking sites in the country and details the chemicals located at each site. The informative site is a great resource for understanding the dangers associated around each site dues to what has a potential to leak or spill into the communities.      
  46. New York Residents Against Drilling

    New York Residents Against Drilling

    New York Residents Against Drilling makes it easier than ever to find a comprehensive list of resources that outline how dangerous fracking is and the problems it imposes on the state overall.      
  47. Gas Drilling Awareness for Cortland County (GDACC)

    Gas Drilling Awareness for Cortland County (GDACC)

    Gas Drilling Awareness for Cortland County makes large efforts to unique those across the country on important issues related to gas drilling and explain what can be done about it not only locally, but across the country.      
  48. Beginning

    General Fracking Information

    Many news outlets and journalists have covered the topic of fracking, and some incredibly in depth reporting has been done by both public and private entities on the subject. Reading up on all sides of the debate is vital for anyone who wants to develop a better understanding and nuanced opinions on this controversial subject.

  49. The New York Times – Drilling Down

    The New York Times - Drilling Down

    The New York Times – Drilling Down is a section of the renowned paper that tries to explain how fast the fracking industry is growing and features pieces that explain how the government is moving quickly to try to regulate it. Additionally, the page is loaded with articles that explain why it’s a detriment to society to frack.      
  50. The Economist

    The Economist

    The Economist features an important section on hydrofracking and the various developments that have taken place involving fracking and its development in America and abroad. Posts cover wide-ranging topics and are incredibly insightful.    

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  51. U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

    U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

    The U.S. Energy Information Administration has a collection of posts that have impressive clarity as to the urgency to stop fracking. Pulling together government resources from across the country, it’s a very useful site.    

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  52. Occupy


    Occupy features a large list of fracking news articles and pulls content from around the country. This makes it easier than ever to understand the ecological impact of fracking nationally.    

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  53. Public Herald

    Public Herald

    Public Herald focuses on non-profit work related to investigative journalism and features a section ripe with useful fracking news. The work the site breaks some of the most important topics in fracking today.    

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  54. Oil Change International

    Oil Change International

    Oil Change International gathers the latest research, communication, and advocacy resources related to the costs of fossil fuels and clean energy. Their news articles on fracking have been imperative to the conversation on creating cleaner energy resources.      
  55. University of Michigan Graham Sustainability Institute

    University of Michigan Graham Sustainability Institute

    Hydraulic Fracturing in Michigan is an initiative based at the University of Michigan and researches sustainability as related to hydraulic fracturing throughout the state. Loaded with insightful content and resources, it’s a great tool.      
  56. Tribal Energy and Environmental Information Clearinghouse

    Tribal Energy and Environmental Information Clearinghouse

    Tribal Energy and Environmental Information Clearinghouse is a fact-based site that looks at the various implications of fracking, which range from noise and air quality to soil and water pollution. It’s a great way to understand how fracking is damaging the environment.      
  57. is run by an individual who lives in Otego, NY and aims to ensure the land is not polluted from fracking chemicals. The site has great information for understanding what various organizations involved in fracking are doing to persuade landowners to give them access to shale beneath their land.      
  58. works to combat the propaganda related to an “energy revolution” and replace it with a more grounded perspective that hydraulic fracturing would, in reality, just create a short-term bubble of jobs and growth.    

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  59. Shale Gas Review

    Shale Gas Review

    Shale Gas Review is written by a New York journalist focused on covering Marcellus and Utica shale gas development. The site has useful pictures and shows how active the site’s author Tom Wilber is on conveying the latest news on Twitter as well.      
  60. Treehugger


    Treehugger’s Natural Gas goes in-depth to explain all the natural gas leaks and problems faced across the country. The posts give useful content to issues related to natural gas.    

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  61. Gasland 2

    Gasland 2

    Gasland set the tone for the destruction fracking imposes on communities across the country and Gasland 2 shows how things have only gotten worse since the first movie was released. The Fracking FAQs featured on the site gives a grounded description as to why this practice is so harmful.    

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  62. has a page on fracking and details the meeting minutes and research conducted by this organization. It’s an important page for understanding what the government is doing to address fracking.    

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  63. Oil & Gas Journal

    Oil & Gas Journal

    Oil & Gas Journal’s section on Hydraulic Fracturing has a great selection of regulatory news articles on fracking. It makes for interesting reading material and a good way to stay informed on the latest developments.    

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  64. Gas Drilling Awareness Coaltion

    Gas Drilling Awareness Coaltion

    Gas Drilling Awareness Coalition is loaded with useful content, all ranging from drinking water hazards and plummeting property values related to fracking. Additionally, the education center has videos, an overview of gas drillers, and interesting content on pipelines.    

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  65. Environment & Energy Publishing

    Environment & Energy Publishing

    Environment & Energy Publishing pulls news articles from across the industry that detail fracking developments. It’s a useful way to see how advancements are being made in this engaging field.      
  66. Beginning

    Environmental Organizations & Resources

    Environmental organizations, especially those focused on clean water, clean air, and agriculture, have become extremely vocal about the dangers of fracking and the harm that can be caused by various chemicals used in the process.

  67. The United States Environmental Protection Agency

    The United States Environmental Protection Agency

    The United States Environmental Protection Agency explains how important natural gas is to the viability of America’s energy independence. The site also details the regulatory elements of the government and fracking.    

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  68. Natural Resources Defense Council

    Natural Resources Defense Council

    The Natural Resources Defense Council implements various action-based initiatives to help reduce and ultimately eliminate fracking. The site helps empower individuals to be the best educated on the issues possible.    

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  69. Greenpeace UK

    Greenpeace UK

    Greenpeace UK is an organization that has been incredibly active in combatting fracking, which is evident through the large amount of content they have pertaining to the detriments of the practice on their website.    

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  70. EcoWatch


    EcoWatch has gathered an impressive selection of fracking articles and research pieces that give splendid insight into why it’s so particularly damaging to the environment and what can be done to prevent further disaster.    

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  71. Food and Water Watch

    Food and Water Watch

    Food and Water Watch is a crucial advocacy group that ensures the proper actions are taken to prevent fracking and to understand what’s being done to make this water safer for the long-term.    

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  72. American Rivers

    American Rivers

    American Rivers details important pieces on fracking across America and how it impacts many aspects of our lives. The interesting posts all touch on different issues within fracking, also noting legislative developments.    

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  73. WildEarth Guardians

    WildEarth Guardians

    WildEarth Guardians focuses on the American West and what can be done to protect the environment in the most effective manners possible. Included in this is a selection of ways to eliminate fracking, which impacts animals and significant amounts of the environment.    

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  74. Riverkeeper


    Riverkeeper is one of the foremost sources for clean water advocacy in New York and their section, Don’t Frack with NY details why it’s so important to make sure fracking chemicals don’t infiltrate the water supply.    

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  75. Hudson River Sloop Clearwater

    Hudson River Sloop Clearwater

    Hudson River Sloop Clearwater is working around the clock to vocalize issues related to statewide fracking and the state and federal laws that leave the public susceptible to dangerous practices.    

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  76. Catskill Mountainkeeper

    Catskill Mountainkeeper

    Catskill Mountainkeeper is a very important organization for preserving the Catskills and goes into impressive depth to underline why fracking is so destructive to the area. The site is loaded with useful information regarding meetings and much more to help combat fracking.    

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  77. Idaho Conservation League

    Idaho Conservation League

    The Idaho Conservation League Fracking Blog Collection makes it easier than ever to understand the problems faced by communities related to fracking. This collection of blogs communicates all the most important information on the subject.    

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  78. Earth Island Journal

    Earth Island Journal

    Earth Island Journal has worked for 25 years to develop and maintain conservation efforts across the globe and this encompasses work done to stop fracking. Posts on the site are pulled from journals and other accredited sites to make an informed database of anti-fracking information.    

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  79. Environment North Carolina

    Environment North Carolina

    Environment North Carolina emphasizes the importance to curb fracking practices and is sure to only use empirically-backed data to do so.    

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  80. Delaware Riverkeeper

    Delaware Riverkeeper

    Delaware Riverkeeper is a great website for understanding the urgency needed regarding fracking and the serious implications associated with polluting the Delaware River.    

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  81. Damascus Citizens for Sustainability

    Damascus Citizens for Sustainability

    Damascus Citizens for Sustainability works ardently to advocate for cleaner air, water, and land and they do so through various outreach initiatives locally, as well as a devoted section detailing local fracking work. It’s an important tool for educating citizens in the area on the hazards and long-term implications of fracking.    

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  82. Environment New York

    Environment New York

    Environment New York focuses on data that underlines how detrimental fracking is to individuals locally and how far the implications of this practice travel throughout the state and beyond.    

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  83. Clean Energy Action

    Clean Energy Action

    Clean Energy Action is an important source for how citizens of Colorado can be better empowered to address fracking issues locally and the posts highlight useful upcoming events.    

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  84. Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League

    Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League

    Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League’s website features a collection of files related to fracking in the area and what concerned citizens can do about it. It’s great for understanding how to best address rapidly increasing concerns related to fracking.    

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  85. Keep Tap Water Safe

    Keep Tap Water Safe

    Keep Tap Water Safe illustrates the problems faced regarding viable tap water due to fracking and works with a variety of organizations to examine the issues and vocalize important issues.    

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  86. Catawba Riverkeeper

    Catawba Riverkeeper

    Catawba Riverkeeper compiles the most pertinent fracking news into one location to make it easier for viewers to understand new developments. The organization has been integral to safeguarding the Catawba-Wateree River Watershed, which is located in both North and South Carolina.      
  87. Dryden Resource Awareness Coalition

    Dryden Resource Awareness Coalition

    Dryden Resource Awareness Coalition has been around since 2009 and works to show the consequences of fracking, not only locally, but throughout the country. The organization has formed a stream monitoring group for southern New York and makes worthwhile contributions to the anti-fracking efforts.      
  88. The Institute for Energy and Environmental Research of Northeastern Pennsylvania

    The Institute for Energy and Environmental Research of Northeastern Pennsylvania

    The Institute for Energy and Environmental Research of Northeastern Pennsylvania displays impressive prowess related to a number of environmental issues, namely why fracking practices hold such detrimental consequences in the long-term. The site features a nice overview of the Marcellus Shale, a library, policy information, and much more.      
  89. Earthworks


    Earthworks is an organization looking to hold oil and gas companies accountable for the damages done to various environments in communities across the country. The site also outlines state and federal reform initiatives.    

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  90. DeSmogBlog


    DeSmogBlog is part of Fracking the Future and contains information detailing how fracking has been able to become so widespread through Big Oil’s influence. The site is also able to explain how politics have been influenced by these practices.    

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  91. Catskill Citizens for Safe Energy

    Catskill Citizens for Safe Energy

    Catskill Citizens for Safe Energy is an impressive site that conveys the sense of urgency needed to address fracking problems now. Not only does the site feature a wealth of useful information, but it has direct links to pages to take action and streams phone numbers regularly.      
  92. Environmental Working Group

    Environmental Working Group

    Environmental Working Group understands the implications of fracking and uses their engaging website to communicate the most important information to concerned citizens. The site is loaded with useful consumer guides and research reports.    

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  93. Earthjustice


    UnFracktured is part of Earthjustice and includes videos, maps, and useful resources that underline the issues faced today by fracking. The site’s captivating videos are important to outlining how we can improve the quality of life for Americans.    

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  94. National Ground Water Association

    National Ground Water Association

    The National Ground Water Association is a resource dense with articles that show how radiation and contamination are impacting the quality of water pulled from the ground. The downloadable PDFs explain why action must be taken now to curb fracking practices.    

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  95. Protecting Our Waters

    Protecting Our Waters

    Protecting Our Waters is fed up with the poisoning of land, water, air, and peoples’ health generally that results from shale drilling and fracturing. In addition to the latest press releases and news, they also unite environmentalists through worthwhile events and meetings.    

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  96. 350 Bay Area

    350 Bay Area

    Stop Fracking works to invigorate the Bay Area to advocate against fracking to protect the beautiful land surrounding it. The site makes for a useful read about keep California clean and free from fracking chemicals.    

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  97. Safewater Movement

    Safewater Movement

    What is Hydrofracking? Explains how hydraulic fracturing takes place and why it impacts communities with such devastation. The site features a useful link to sign a petition against fracking in New York as well.      
  98. Beginning

    Further Info

    More general info about fracking is available from government agencies, private blogs, and environmental organizations now than ever before. Increased public interest in the topic has led to a flood of information, and sorting out the truth from the speculation can be difficult, but these are some useful and compelling resources on the topic.

  99. Scientific American

    Scientific American

    Scientific American has long been heralded for its commitment to quality articles and their selection of material related to fracking is no exception. Posts are sure to elaborate on why it’s so dangerous to frack and explains in a way that is readily accessible to many.    

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  100. Penn State Marcellus Center for Outreach and Research

    Penn State Marcellus Center for Outreach and Research

    Penn State Marcellus Center for Outreach and Research is an impressive research facility that holds regular classes on the implications of fracking around the state. As one of the best research universities in the country, it’s a very useful resource.      
  101. Physicians, Scientists & Engineers for Healthy Energy

    Southern Illinoisans Against Fracturing Our Environment

    Physicians, Scientists, & Engineers for Healthy Energy’s goal is to bring scientific transparency to the health and environmental impacts of energy production and use by supplying objective, evidence-based information to policymakers and the public. This work includes original research on the impacts of unconventional oil and gas development, science summaries on specific topics written for a broad audience, and a database of studies on shale gas and tight oil development.      
  102. ProPublica


    ProPublica’s Fracking: Gas Drilling’s Environmental Threat is great for reading worthwhile posts on fracking and what can be done to advocate for increased regulatory measures across the industry.    

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  103. Inside Climate News

    Inside Climate News

    Gas Drilling is a section of Pulitzer Prize-winning site, Inside Climate News and details the most destructive practices today and why gas drilling must be avoided. The posts are regularly updated, so users can be sure to be consistently refining their understanding.    

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  104. Physicians for Social Responsibility

    Physicians for Social Responsibility

    Physicians for Social Responsibility works ardently to convey the health hazards of fracking to citizens. The site focuses on the hazards related to individual health more than the environment, which makes it useful to see the short-term consequences even more.    

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